DC 2011 Strange omission from the releases

by JWFreak 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • JWFreak

    There are 3 really basic releases for the DC this year

    Revised Vol 1 of Young People Ask.................Hmmm lot of work in that one

    New Brochure

    Listen to God and live forever, and a simplified version (4 weeks writing work max)

    DVD Vol 2 of last years Modern day history story (fable)

    What No Book.....you may ask... I cant remember the last time that there has been no book, not even a 192 page one.

    However before I left bethel last autumn, it was interesting that there was a book scheduled for release this year, all finished and completed in English. Never sent to translation

    Rumours were that there was disharmony between, writing and service committees whether to release or not. GB split down the middle.

    I have no idea what the book was, its contents, and as I say there were just rumours, but these rumours were from people on the 5th floor. People who would be aware of such things.

    Just being curious, but certainly the weakest releases in recent history.


  • baltar447

    Very interesting...

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Two GB members died last year, IIRC.

    There are a couple ways this could have had the effect of squashing the book.

    One, was Jaracz or Barry (those are the two who died, right?) in charge of either Writing or Service? One of their replacements may have either been more headstrong and squashed the book, OR was less headstrong and deferred to those who would squash the book.

    Or perhaps with the two GB members dying off, the balance of votes in the GB flipped and the entire body pulled the plug.

    I'd love to see the book and to know whether it was pulled because GB 2.0 is MORE extreme than the book's content or LESS.

    I just had another guess/theory. The book talked about the "overlap" which as we all know went over like a dead baboon. Perhaps they just don't want that mentioned in print again because it is just too stupid.

  • OnTheWayOut
    I just had another guess/theory. The book talked about the "overlap" which as we all know went over like a dead baboon. Perhaps they just don't want that mentioned in print again because it is just too stupid.

    That's what my guess would be. As much as they pushed it, they know more in print is easy to wake up a member to it's stupidity.

    Another thing is that 192-page books will become more and more rare because they are money-losers. An average run of at least 10 million copies is a huge committment on their part. They gotta be sure the members will donate enough for that committment. DVD's are actually cheaper for them and the members are not all aware of that fact. Plus, no need to make a huge run on DVD's like printed literature. You can always make more as you need them.

    BUT HEY, isn't the volume 1 of YPA a book?

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I gotta wonder what they changed in YPA. Since it is based on Awake! articles (or used to be) maybe they replaced some of the articles/chapters with newer versions on the same topics, replaced some pics, etc. I'd like to get one and make a comparison.

  • JWFreak

    BUT HEY, isn't the volume 1 of YPA a book?

    Technically yes

    But it is a revision, and not a great one ............... Believe me the writing dept are always chomping at the bit, to get a good project, and a simple revision doesn,t cut it.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Do you still have people on the inside? What are the chances of an electronic copy of the text? (I am sure worse than slim, but I'll take 1/1M as a legit chance, lol)

  • baltar447

    My guess is it would be bethel career/DFing for anyone to leak it since probably a select few have access to it.

  • moshe

    No Book? Why bother going to the DC at all? $4/gas- stay home! I suspect once the word gets out- no new light- no book, that this will be a weak DC fund raiser for the WT- that is the reason for the DC's anyway.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Maybe "Johnny" can leak it as his last act before quitting Bethel and the Borg.

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