The new songbook was not actually released at the convention though.
DC 2011 Strange omission from the releases
by JWFreak 77 Replies latest jw friends
Doubting Bro
JWF - Great to see you posting again. Hope all is well. We really appreciate your contributions!!!
I agree that it's very odd that they had a book written but couldn't get final sign off and that the GB is fairly split. I wonder if that's why they haven't put any more on yet? If there's that big of a split between them, they likely wouldn't be able to agree on additional members.
Do you have any idea as to who is allied with whom? I know Loshe is hard core but really not sure as to the others. Any insight you can share?
Sure sounds like a wimpy release schedule. And, altering the Young People Ask--Answers That Do Not Work book 1 is not going to make the answers start working. Rather, it is to bring the witlesses up to date with the "new light". Still a sure ticket to dorkhood.
And a waste of time to attend.
I wonder if there will be any paragraphs about the danger of visiting Apostate Websites in the revision.
Creative bankruptcy. Makes ya wonder if they might not collapse, afterall.
I gotta wonder what they changed in YPA.
Im sure its just an update to include demonizing all the current social media.
Other then that, its still "everything you kids think, feel, or do is wrong and originates from satan".
Lady Viola
Well, I hope the revised version of the book will have better clothing than all those 80's clothes and big hair!! :-P
But, the 'councel' on 'heavy petting' yourself or someone else will be the same... ;-)
That boy better hang on to the railing real tight or his hands may wander to other places...
He looks like he's about to jump. Seeing those pictures is just depressing.
Has this happened before? Any other books pulled? Maybe we're seeing the start of a schism! Or something like the 80s again. I can only hope. If things get shook up maybe it'll wake some more people up.
Has this happened before? Any other books pulled?
Not that I'm aware of, but recall that in 2001, a shipment of "Advance Medical Directives" (blood cards) were sent to the congregations, but then recalled just a short while later, and revised ones were sent in their place. The ones that were recalled had language which implied a significant change to the WTS blood transfusion policy was soon to be announced.
One thing that I find highly surprising is that no replacement for the "Reasoning" book has been produced. It is even older than "YPA vol. 1" (by 4 years), and contains tons of "old light", as well as no references newer than 30 or so years ago. If any book needed a revision, that would have been it.
The fact that they choose an "easier" book to revise indicates (to me anyway), as has been speculated, a last-minute decsion to pull a new book and the need to produce something for the DCs, to generate revenue.