In the 2011-8-15 WT, the already discussed topic (here) of the GB not keeping tabs ( ) on the anointed is put under Questions From Readers.
Questions From Readers!?!
Let me get this srtaight.
The Readers of said Kool Aid edition are R&F witnesses, who have heard the terms Anointed, Partakers, etc. more times than they would care to admit. Or if the Readers are not yet JWs, they have attended AT LEAST ONE memorial, where the above terms were discussed repeatedly and it was made very clear who Partakers were, and more importantly who Partakers WERE NOT!
On the other hand, for a question to make it to QFR, it must have been asked repeatedly and broadly to be included on the pages of the magazine.
So, we have indoctrinated members asking so many times a very basic question beaten to death in the past that it needs to be addressed in the limited space a "life-saving" magazine provides?
Yeah, right! Question From Readers, my a$$!
Is the GB that senile, or are the members that blind to see through these shameless shenanigans?