It's already Saturday...

by mrsjones5 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5

    in numerous areas on planet Earth. No reports of people flying towards the heavens or mass disappearances...yet?

  • cantleave

    RU sure? I have tried ringing Australia - no answer!!!

  • straightshooter

    That means I can't have a party to celebrate. Now this group can join the jw in a false date for the end.

  • leavingwt

    More details on when The Rapture begins:

    The end of the world will be at exactly 6 p.m. on May 21, 2011, says Camping, who along with his organization, Family Radio, are behind those billboards across the country forecasting the Rapture this Saturday. The Rapture, the Last Days, Armageddon and the Final Days of Judgment are all interchangeable. It's when God will destroy the Earth to show his love for humanity.

    Is that Eastern Standard or Pacific Standard Time?

    Neither, says Camping, whom I interviewed recently for my online news show TYT Now. The Rapture is at 6 p.m. on May 21, 2011, where ever it's 6 p.m. first, with the "fantastically big" world-ending event taking place on a time zone by time zone basis.

    That means we can expect the Rapture to start when it hits 6 p.m. at the International Dateline at 180 Longitude -- roughly the between Pago Pago, American Samoa, and Nuku'alofa, Tonga. We'll know it's Judgment Day because there will be an earthquake of previously unprecedented magnitude, Camping predicts.

    So, according to these calculations, the Rapture will actually begin like a rolling brown out across the globe at 11 p.m. PST on Friday, May 20th. "Everyone will be weeping and wailing because they'll know in a few hours it'll come to their city," said Camping.

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George

    Shit, that's the same time as the Mavs/Thunder game. What time is the Bernard Hopkins fight?

  • botchtowersociety
    That means we can expect the Rapture to start when it hits 6 p.m. at the International Dateline at 180 Longitude -- roughly the between Pago Pago, American Samoa, and Nuku'alofa, Tonga. We'll know it's Judgment Day because there will be an earthquake of previously unprecedented magnitude, Camping predicts.

    Did the Bible writers know there was a date line in the middle of the Pacific? Did they even know there was a Pacific Ocean???

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George

    Did they even know there was a Pacific Ocean???


  • clarity

    Wonder if the buses will be in service .... I'm going shopping tomorrow darn!

  • prophecor

    Theres gonna' be a huge tar & feathering of HC if he doesn't get this one right.

  • ShirleyW

    Maybe they're waiting for it to start in my hometown, the greatest city in the world . . . or, as some folks call us "mean ol' New York City"


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