It's already Saturday...

by mrsjones5 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    7.50pm Saturday here in Australia and still no Rapture.

  • sizemik

    AAAAAAANNNNDD . . . . it is now 10.00pm in CHCH NZ . . . and no Earthquakes today!!! . . . And no skyflight yet for me . . .

  • Quarterback

    Oh my goodness, they are right. I was weeping and wailing this morning, when I found out we were out of Canadian Bacon.

  • mrsjones5

    Geez, this may 21 shit has freaked out my youngest son. He's been talking about it for the last few days and I didn't know he was that upset about it until last night when he requested to sleep in my bed. It's 7:54am and he's been up since 7:30 saying, with relief, that judgement day didn't come.

    If Harold Camping was in front of me now I'd bitchslap his silly ass.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    It's supposed to come at 6.00PM not am. You've got another 10 hours to go (apparently).

  • mrsjones5

    Shhh! Don't tell my son!

  • Glander

    There must be a lot of veteran JW's who are silently contemplating the similarity with their own experience.

  • Ding

    I wonder what Camping is thinking right now.

    I suppose that, like my GPS, he is "recalculating."


    Good Morning Josie..

    If you hit him he would probably break..

    He`s a frail,Goofy looking Old Fart..

    ..................... ...OUTLAW

  • WontLeave

    WTF?! I have to go guys... My head keeps hitting the ceiling, for some reason. This stupid '50s "popcorn" stuff hurts.

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