You can Google several phrases and there are thousands of articles that carry the implicit meaning of avoiding the intake of these substances into the human body by any means.
“Abstain from tobacco” 36,100 results
“Abstain from alcohol” 1,190,000 results
“Abstain from drugs” 127,000 results
“Abstain from sugar” 20,500
Abstain from Tobacco Use
By abstaining from tobacco use, you dramatically lower your risk of developing one of the deadliest cancers - lung cancer.
Cancers of the lips, tongue, mouth and throat, as well as the colon, are also caused by tobacco use. Not only smoking cigarettes, but also cigars and pipes, as well as the use of smokeless tobacco, can cause these cancers.
Whether they said, "abstaining from tobacco use" or "abstaining from tobacco," there are various means to induce nicotine into the brain and central nervous system and “abstaining” from tobacco in this article includes all of these delivery systems. Even if you insist that this is the improper use of the English language, it doesn't necessarily imply any undisclosed meaning in Acts 15:29 like strictly [eating or drinking]. Abstaining from blood or "blood use" can imply any form of intake.
The prohibition on blood in the Old and New Testament is for two reasons:
1. Health considerations
2. The sanctity of blood
Neither of these reasons change with the intravenous intake of blood.