Well just what is Samadhi?
Samadhi: The Ultimate Achievement of Spiritual Awakening
by frankiespeakin 62 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It's too "high" a level for this one. But I do meditate daily.
and nice to see you
Samadhi isn't so much an achievement or a gaining of something that isn't already present but a recognition of and abiding in one's true nature, which is not separate from anything. What we believe ourselves to be, the "I" that is identified with, creates mental separation between itself and all else. Investigate directly and determine the reality of what you actually are and the illusory self can be seen through as just a story in the head. What "sees" this illusion is what you truly are. Abiding in that consciously removes the veil of illusory separation and samadhi is the result. In other words, samadhi is when one abides in the natural state of awareness and experiences all else from there rather than through the distorting lens of the mind.
It's too "high" a level for this one. But I do meditate daily.
That's good, but don't short change yourself into thinking it's "too high a level" for you; it's not. Let go of the concept of samadhi entirely and investigate your true nature by asking yourself "What am I really?" and then looking. When you meditate what is present that never leaves? Thoughts come and go in meditation, but something else remains steady and unchanging no matter what else is going on, something sees thoughts and sensations come and go. That's what you are. What is the nature of that?
Another way to approach this is to investigate this "I" that is practicing something called meditation. What's that "I" composed of? Can you actually locate that "I"? Is that "I" present when the "idea of me" is gone? What is it that sees that "idea of me", that "sees" you meditating? What you actually are is fully present and available right now, but it's being overlooked because attention is being directed outwardly, onto the "idea of me". Let that attention "turn around" and discover the source out of which that "me/I" arises and samadhi is right there.
It's not that - get what you're saying, and thanks, that was a good explanation ... :)
mindful meditation - oh yeah, i can even make pain go away (most of the time), so maybe it's working.
My old shrink is a big-time Buddhist here at the Shambala centre, helped me a lot.
Sorry for the long delay haven't had much time to get to the PC. Good to see you again too. It is a very high attainment that requires jumping through a lot of hops or years of serious meditation and help from an actual guru or if one is lucky a ghost guru.
There is a lot of very serious pitfalls on the way to enlightenment,, your making a lot of the unconscious, conscious one needs some special help to press on without tripping oneself, As in how do you respond to the visions that occur during this process,, A good guru or psychoanalyst can offer good advice.
I would think that when the ego conciousness gets to know it is not the big player and that their is something much bigger in the center of the psyche that we can perhaps call the "God" archetype and the center of the personality moves from just the small little ego consciousness and by mystical means becomes the "Self" a much more unifide whole where all opposites are resolved, is an achievement, Cosmic conscousness and then some. But what do I know I have never experienced it have you?
Yes, you may know of my analyst - Peter Goodman? He studied at Boulder for quite some time, and is a healer in Osteopathy as well as the mind. He helped me to be able to 'settle down', and I'm still digesting/putting into practice. When I'm ready, will go back for more.
I used to correspond with JamesThomas, but not for awhile. He taught me some different ways of seeing the world, as well. We are all teachers and students simultaneously, as far as I am concerned.
their is something much bigger in the center of the psyche that we can perhaps call the "God" archetype and the center of the personality moves from just the small little ego consciousness and by mystical means becomes the "Self" a much more unifide whole
Well I hope you have a lot of success with your analyst,, never heard of him,,they are supposed to understand the unconscious, You might like this guy ideas about positive disintegration:
I would think that when the ego conciousness gets to know it is not the big player and that their is something much bigger in the center of the psyche that we can perhaps call the "God" archetype and the center of the personality moves from just the small little ego consciousness and by mystical means becomes the "Self" a much more unifide whole where all opposites are resolved, is an achievement, Cosmic conscousness and then some.But what do I know I have never experienced it have you?
Yes. Ego consciousness doesn't become the "Self" - "Self" already exists as your true nature; it's already fully present right now, but it is being overlooked. What is called "ego consciousness" is the limited perspective of a mentally created self, the self that exists only as an idea in the head, the "little me" that sees itself as separate and distinct from everything else.
When sought, however, the "ego" will not be found. It won't be found because it has never existed in the first place as an actual living entity. All it is is a bundle of thoughts, memories, and associated sensations that plays out in the mind that is identified with. When those thoughts cease, when no memory of "me" arises, when no ownership of sensation is mentally claimed as "mine" no ego will be ever be found. In other words, ego is entirely conceptual, an idea held in the mind. An idea/concept/thought is a contraction of consciousness, making consciousness appear as a type of limited form that is bound within time. But what You are in reality is consciousness that is uncontracted, unlimited, open, spacious, and timeless.
When ego is absent what is revealed is an undeniable palpable existence that is unified with everything - no thing is outside of that existence. That existence is independent of thought; it exists prior to thought, and is therefore the foundation/source out of which thought arises. That existence is the true You, the Self. That Self is not separate from anything, yet everything else is dependent upon it - it is one with everything. That Self is the substance of samadhi, and knowing/experiencing that directly is enlightenment, and living from that reality is samadhi.
That sound's like everything is Brahman,,Uniting with the Self or as Jung called it Individuation and the forming of the Self, which may be different from an always present Self,, but Jung also said that the unconscious part of us is outside of time which he used to explain certain psychic phenomena, like foretelling the future and other psychic exteriorations.