Thanks to everyone for the warm reception. It feels good to know I am not the only one to go through this.
It was fun the night of my 'deletion announcement,' mostly I got comments about how people were happy for me and that they could not believe I had lasted this long.
As a contrast to that, most of the elders don't even talk to me now except for the COBE. Two of the youngest, newly appointed elders say hi when they have to. I recognize the look of stress on their faces at the KH.
When I do go to a meeting, I tell my wife, 'Hey, guess what, I don't have to give any parts tonight!!!'
It has been a little while since my 'deletion', so far I have taken my kids out on the canoe, taken them for a ride in the muscle car, and done a lot of
'regular' things. The CA was a pain though, my wife didn't like me pointing out the BS. When she initially asked me what was going on with me, I started off by asking her what the generation teaching meant. She gave me the latest answer of overlapping. I asked her what we were told to believe before that and she did not recall. It really opened my eyes. We had quite a conversation over the next 3 hours!!!
The new light at the DC is a joke, I used to give the public talk 'Your Future, How Can It Be Known?' so I am very familiar with the doctrine from Daniel. All this hype about nothing new. I have plenty of info to gently remind my wife of after that talk is over. I am working real hard at explaining things calmly, so far she resists but understands my condition.
Burned Out