Damn, everytime I get a craving it feels like this:
by sinis 10 Replies latest jw friends
Damn, everytime I get a craving it feels like this:
Been there, sinis, gets better with time.
Keep telling yourself that you don't want to mess up your progress. There is no downside to quitting. Hang in there...
Oh, and cold turkey all the way - once you slip it's ten times harder to get back on track!
Sit on your hands eat anything but DONT give in, get aggresive, scream go apeshit drink alcohol, the cravings WILL GO. This is the one thing im glad i did, got a perverse pleasure in confronting my nicotene Demons. SEX will be MUCH BETTER, hold onto that !!!
I found that when I quit, I couldn't drink alcohol or even coffee. It made me crave a cig even more.
I fully empathize with you. I tried quitting over the weekend and by Monday at work I relapsed. I have been trying Camel Snus and a Nicotrol Inhalant system. I think I am just not determined as I should be to quit. And it's always so easy to get a cigarette. I will try again over the holiday weekend. Good luck sinis. I've been told that it's more difficult than quitting heroin. I believe it.
I've been told that it's more difficult than quitting heroin. I believe it.
And rightly so. I've quit both in the past . . . H was a cinch by comparison
Back smoking again after quitting 3 weeks ago . . . you're an inspiration at present sinis . . . don't cave . . . I need you not to.
three times for emphasis LOL!
May 15th here ... 10 days and counting ....
I've given up a lot of things in my life, including my family, 'za , and all grains (no corn-on-the-cob, risotto, toast, cookies, cake or pasta, EVER)
this is the hardest thing I have EVER done.
Feeling the 'shame' of being a 'smoker' doesn't help, either.
WE WILL MAKE IT -- I keep thinking of how GOOD it feels to breathe .... ahhhhh!~! meditation helps,,, and I'm stuffing my face 24-7!
All the money we are saving
I think one of the reasons Goddess sent me back here, to JWD, is for the support I need to give up this addiction --- it was reading a thread here, that helped me to "take the plunge" on the 15th.
*note: one of the physical effects of nicotine is that it changes blood sugar levels -- look it up to get the details; it's really helped when I know it's just a sugar crash, and not a true 'nic fit' ... I will have a healthy snack or a handful of potato chips, and it usually works - knowledge is power.
*smoke-free since 2011*
Sinis GREAT!!!!!I'M PROUD OF YOU!!!!! I nearly went NUTS when I quit!
3 weeks!!!!!!I DO hope you can keep going, in many ,many months
your gonna be so glad you did....GOOD LUCK!!!!
This is the best news I had to day!!!!!Thanks
Hang in there!!!!
And while you're at it, try magnesium. You might notice how tense you are when you are craving a cancer stick. Magnesium is a relaxant, and taking magnesium at the first sign of a craving may well make it that much more bearable. No, it will not totally eliminate it--especially if your craving is for the routine of smoking rather than the nicotine itself. And the addiction itself still needs to be broken.
However, it could make the difference between being able to endure it and failing to quit smoking. At which point, your general health will probably be better--not only from quitting the smoking but because 85% of us are deficient in magnesium. Trying to get it from food (or "phude") is futile because vegetables today are grown on magnesium deficient soil, it is processed out, and much of the "phude" is inherently deficient anyways. You practically need to take a supplement to get enough.