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The Book of Revelation and the Endtimes
by whereami 15 Replies latest watchtower bible
Rev. 1:19 is the key to interpretation. Rev. 1 is past and about Jesus. Rev. 2-3 is present to John and talks about first century historical churches. Rev. 4-22 is yet future (futurist view) and mostly about the Tribulation (6-19). It is apocalyptic literature, not historical. A normative literal approach leads to pre-tribulation rapture, pre-millennial Second Coming. For the WT to read 1935 JW Convention into this section shows that it is clueless about Bible interpretation.
The videos are not biblical. I would look for better resources:
The Book of Revelations is a verbal icon of the Divine and Holy Eucharistic Liturgy; a kaleidoscope of the past, the present and the future - the earthly and the heavenly. The entire book was recorded within the context of the celestial eucharist. Holy and Sacred Tradition records that John received the Revelation on a Sunday and during the celebration of the Eucharistic liturgy, Rev. 1:10.
The "prophetic" element of the future is secondary in its nature.
I have never heard of a celestial eucharist interpretation of Revelation. Sacramentalism is not biblical. A normative literal approach must lead to futurism, while a subjective allegorical approach opens the door to anything and everything.
This is a blog I borrowed from Brandon Scott Merhout . . . like him or not . . . this is quite a good read.
You can check it out online at . . .
We're still here.
Worldwide attention regarding the "end of the world" was focused on yesterday's date, May 21st, 2011, based on the delusional ramblings of Harold Camping (who also incorrectly predicted the end of the world in 1994).
For centuries, humans have been brainwashed by the delusional "prophetic vision" of John the Apostle in his Book of Revelation, which is the final chapter of the Holy Bible. Visions of death, destruction, and suffering are implanted into the human mind — very much like a computer virus — and gullible humans are tricked into believing the horror.
If the writers of the Bible were like modern-day screenwriters, the Book of Revelation would be similar to the make-believe stories told in Independence Day, 2012, The Day After Tomorrow, or The Terminator.
Let me tell you how things really went down. (God told me to spread the word.)
You see, John the Apostle was hosting a neighborhood bonfire the night before he penned the Book of Revelation. While at the party, one of John's friends played a mischievous prank on him: He laced his soup with hallucinogenic mushrooms.
The Apostle John started tripping.
The bonfire seemed to grow larger, as if it were going to engulf him. He saw visions of flying horses, golden lampstands, and lambs with seven horns and seven eyes. The entire evening was like a nightmare. John's friends were all laughing at him and chasing him with their torches.
After hours and hours of mushroom-induced torment, John found his way back to his tent, where he drifted off to sleep. Upon awakening, he felt very confused and disoriented. He began recalling the events of the previous night, and decided to grab a #2 pencil and some papyrus in order to write down his "visions" from the night before.
And this became the Book of Revelation.
Embarrassed by the activities that took place the night of his bad-trip, John the Apostle moved to a far away land. When he arrived in the new land, he decided to share his "revelation" with all of his new friends. Since they weren't there to experience his hallucinogenic mushroom trip, he was able to convince them that this was a "message from God." Since humans were so gullible and primitive back then, the story stuck. Next thing you know, John landed a publishing deal with the church!
Wanting to maintain its power and control over the people, the church agreed to publish John's story as the final chapter of their holy book. The story was a perfect way to keep the people on their best behavior. And here's the best part: If you tell them that their hero is coming back to save them at a future time that "nobody knows," then you can keep brainwashing them forever!
And this is exactly what has happened for the past 2,000 years.
The mind-virus keeps spreading from generation to generation. "All-knowing" grandparents poison their kids' minds with stories of death and destruction, and they pass the mind-virus onto their own children.
The latest "failed rapture" prophecy from Harold Camping is another example of delusion at the highest degree. People quit their jobs, pulled their children out of school, and donated their life-savings because of this man's poisoned mind.
Religion is a mind-virus. Those who are infected with its delusions are sick. They need help. That's why it's so important for rational-minded humans to speak up.
I used to be infected with the delusional ideas projected by religion. I spent a decade immersed in the culture. But I couldn't keep making excuses for why the formulas promoted by religion were inconsistent. I had to "wake-up" from the stupor.
Religions were created by man as a means to control the population. They're all similar to the Religion of Santa Claus, which states: "Be good and get rewarded. Be bad and get punished."
It's a very child-like mentality. In 2011, however, mankind is awakening from its dreamworld. It's starting to see the truth. Mankind is growing up. We can now see the following:- The world is becoming a better place
- The old thought-programs (religions) project delusional ideas
- The Holy Books are full of contradictions — which mean they're not from an "all-knowing" creator
- Religions have been responsible for more harm than good
Yesterday's failed rapture prediction is actually a good thing for the evolution of our species. People are finally courageous enough to speak up, in regards to their disdain for the "know-it-alls" who like to preach about the end of the world. They can finally be called-out for the delusional quacks they are.
In addition, this failed rapture will prepare the collective consciousness of mankind to remain calm for the next big "end of the world" prediction: December 21st, 2012. This date seems to have more "end of the world" steam than Y2K, 6/6/06, and this most recent prediction from Harold Camping.
By this time, hopefully mankind will have enough experience with failed "end of the world" predictions to not allow the 2012 hype to cause them to make irrational decisions.
We create our future in every single moment of NOW. If we're constantly believing the "end of the world" is going to happen, then we'll create that experience by choosing "end of the world" types of thoughts and actions, thereby, making it a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Let us now choose the following: Our collective life-experience will continue to expand in more harmonious ways, making life more vibrant and enjoyable for everyone.
We have to save the world from doomsday quacks. We can no longer allow their delusional mind-viruses to poison the minds of our children.
For the record: I admire the teachings of Jesus. Characteristics like compassion, tolerance and forgiveness should be practiced and preached. So why would we ruin a beautiful story — like the message of Jesus — with delusional mind-control tactics like the ones recorded in the Book of Revelation?
Jesus' message was about love and freedom. The Book of Revelation is about fear and control.
Wake up ... The Matrix has you. -
Revelation is canonical, inspired and shows the love and justice of God. It shows that good will triumph over evil and God's providential hand is on the saints. It gives us hope of a glorious future where evil will no longer exist and God will rule and reign forever in a New Heavens/Earth. It is NOT about fear and control, just facts and a glorious future for those who trust vs rebel against God. It is a revelation of Jesus Christ, love incarnate (but not divorced from His holiness).