I'm thinking way outside the box here...
I looked up my thread title before starting this thread and guess what??
NO ONE appears to have EVER considered this question before...
I've seen far, far, FAR too many people of European/British Isles/African/American extraction defending this regional Middle-Eastern 'god', without realizing that their ANCESTORS would NEVER have willingly consented to give up their own deities to worship this interloper thrust upon them, usually at the point of a Roman sword... Or occasionally for trading advantages, as in the case of many of the heathen Viking - Norsemen...
So. What if the bible had never existed?
Who would you be???
Keeping in mind that your pre-biblical and pre-Christian ancestors ALREADY HAD their own theology in place, before they were conquered....
What if your ancestors were NEVER brutalized into worshipping this Middle-Eastern 'god'?
What if you were never burdened with the misogynistic Middle-Eastern mentality contained within the bible?
What if you were never burdened with excessive levels of guilt over your sexuality, your ambitions, your curiosity about the world around you, your desire to learn?
What if the great heathen philosophers - and early scientists - were never silenced by Christianity's Middle-Eastern mentality? What if Copernicus was never imprisoned and told to stop seeking knowledge? What if Galileo was never put under house arrest and kept from doing further research?
What if Sir Isaac Newton had never been burdened with Middle-Eastern Christian ideology in his search for scientific truth? If Darwin had never had to deal with Christian adherents of Middle-Eastern mythology?
Who would you be today??