Ah.... You'd better check out the god "El", as in "Isra - EL"... The Israelites retained THAT deity's name in their own identity even as they were supposedly worshipping "Yahweh"...
Oh, and you also might want to check out "Yahweh's" 'wife'...
If you still are under the mistaken idea that your ancestors were "mono"-theistic...
Well thanks, I've done some "checking out" before.
One people calls The One God "El", another calls him "Yahweh."
Another group uses the name, "Aten," while another uses "Ahura Mazda."
Yet another says "Allah," or "Waheguru," while others use "Brahman" or "Atman" or "Vishnu."
Many of these groups didn't have the Bible, and do not recognize it as their sacred text even today.
These are just names for the Greatest and Best. At any rate, some of my ancestors have been monotheistic for thousands of years.
Many names for one God
Trotting on through the facade
You were all my children
Got a dig for that feeling
Love will break through the concealment
Strip away the serpents skin