I'll take the ancients any day... explain the Istambul rocket, etal.
Article: Are we seeing signs of the last days?
by truthseeker 37 Replies latest jw friends
explain the Istambul rocket
Forgery. Next?
Cofty... proof. Next...
You try to promote a bit of stone as evidence of ancient knowledge of space rockets and then you try to give me the burden of proof? I don't think so.
Cofty... proof. Next...
Yes, please provide some that can't be faked.
Dude that is just ONE object in a sea of objects.
How did you ever escape the watchtower?
If you want to go down the derogatory road, I'll go, though Simon and others may not like it...
I'm from the old school of witnesses. No one should think that what's happening in weather conditions is new or wasn't happening before. What Jesus was talking about was CONDITIONS on a GLOBAL scale, not locally.
This article has nothing to do with Harold Camping.
As for clay tablets depicting moral decay thousands of years ago, you are missing the fact that technology and human society have improved in leaps and bounds since then; we are all interconnected, we all rely on each other, go to a supermarket, where does your food come from, who ships it to the supermarket, who grows it etc.
This planet's inhabitants are dependent on each other for the jobs we do to some degree.
There is stuff happening, and while we have always had earthquakes and tsunamis, they have not been as close together in frequency as they have now.