I wish I could enumerate how many times I've heard people say "It's Jehovah's way or the highway". So why don't you STFU with your bull crap, because this type of thing has happened before. I see some apologists on here that are cordial and at least try to be reasonable(the new guy with all the numbers in his username), even though they're not supposed to be here in the first place. You're just a sick troll. Do you get sick kicks out of claiming stories like this don't happen? What about child molesters that I've personally known in congregations? Do you pretend they don't exist? I'm a very tolerate person but you are a sicko and I think everyone on here can agree that you need to GO AWAY.
False Stories
by Maze 44 Replies latest jw experiences
I wish I could enumerate how many times I've heard people say "It's Jehovah's way or the highway". So why don't you STFU with your bull crap, because this type of thing has happened before. I see some apologists on here that are cordial and at least try to be reasonable(the new guy with all the numbers in his username), even though they're not supposed to be here in the first place. You're just a sick troll. Do you get sick kicks out of claiming stories like this don't happen? What about child molesters that I've personally known in congregations? Do you pretend they don't exist? I'm a very tolerate person but you are a sicko and I think everyone on here can agree that you need to GO AWAY.
No, I'm defending my religion. You've never sounded tolerant to me. You can't carry on a logical conversation with using profanity and hate-speech.
Posting Guidelines
- Insulting, threatening or provoking language
- Inciting hatred on the basis of race, religion, gender, nationality or sexuality or other personal characteristic.
- Swearing, using hate-speech or making obscene or vulgar comments.
Unintelligent, shallow and boring. If “everyone” [amounts to people like you] and wants me to leave I will. Or you can buzz off and bump someone elses thread.
Plenty of people denied the allegations and stories of abuse in the Catholic church also. What you do Maze, sounds like the exact same thing and defense that people loyal to the Catholic church did in calling anything negative a lie.
I've been a JW my whole life. I've seen quite a bit and when people of your ilk try and make it like everyone's personal experience is some kind of lie or grand desception it makes me angry. I've known people that kicked their kids out of the house. I've known child molesters in the KH that people weren't warned about. When you come on here and claim that some story is suspect merely because the names have been changed, it really makes me angry that someone can be so pig headed and act like everything is just SO wonderful in JW land, like the JW organisation's shit don't stink. Give me a break.
There's no reason to conceal the identity of the “elder-father” unless he doesn't exist except in cyberspace.
I consider protecting the wife and three children from embarassment, shunning, and other forms of harassment to be a valid reason for doing so. Naming the "elder-father" also identifies the wife and children. As Jack Webb said at the beginning of every episode, "Only the names were changed to protect the innocent."
No, I'm defending my religion.
To be clear, we're talking about the "religion" of Jehovah's Witnesses here, right?
~ The same religion that demands that a member refuse lifesaving medical treatment because they mistranslate the bible?
~ The same religion that protects pedophiles, rapists, murderers because they mistranslate and misuse the bible?
~ The same religion that demands that it's members remain politically neutral in ALL MATTERS and dubbed the UN as Babylon the Great, yet joined up with it secretly and hid it from their members until a news article blew the whistle on them? And then used the lame-ass excuse that it was for a "library card" when any friggin' schmuck could have access to the UN library WITHOUT joining up as an NGO and agreeing to uphold the UN charter, which includes printing and disseminating information about the UN and it's practices. Notice, in that 10 year period, the WTBTS printed NOTHING derogatory about the UN, only positive blurbs of facts about what they do or what they've reported on. Hell, we didn't even study the Revelation Climax book in that time period!
~ The same religion that lied to a foreign government by omission about it's DFing policy regarding the blood issue in order to gain more footing in that country?
~ The same religion that commands it's members to refrain from gambling and remain politically neutral, yet owns stock in military applications?
This is the group of hypocrites, the "religion" you're defending?? Let me save you some time...put your energy toward a more noble cause. Supporting frauds and defending liars isn't a winning game.
Interesting. I wonder if my parents say the same thing to themselves. Guess that would make it easier.
The New System is right around the corner. When this world becomes a paradise, you will have soon forgotten about Nina and Mary. Jehovah will bless Gina and yourself with new children, perfect children that love you both, but above all, love and serve Jehovah.
Black Sheep
What about child molesters that I've personally known in congregations? Do you pretend they don't exist?
Yes she does. She changed her username after trashing her own character defending the WT on molestation using that reasoning.
Unfortunately, the moderators did it a favour and removed it's worst tantrums as alice.in.wonderland. I am sure that the Mods can still view those threads if need be.
Maze - you are a total idiot!
Maze you are defending the indefensible.
I used to believe the religion was benign or at the very worst had neutral impact on family life it does not . The Watchtower and Awake often change the names of people they talk about because a lot of their experiences are true fabrication. The elder who talks to a sincere christian into shunning her son. Andre who has had multiple life stories and experiences. There is little point in the fake names except to avoid litigation and to make the stories generic. They use this strategy but you don't think that they are bogus. It seems you do not apply the same criteria to the publications that you do to first person accounts.
On this message board people are sensitive to the fact that many people here need to remain annonymous to preserve family and respect their discretion when relating events. They also appreciate embarrassment that can be caused if names are used indiscriminently.
I am sorry but if you can take the paper thin stories of the watchtower and see truth then may I suggest you publish your name so that you no longer hide your identity and live up to the principles you espouse. If you won't then respect other people when they also do not.
You are supporting a cult the fact that you can't see it means that you lack the capacity for rational thought.