Has claimed to be both Male and Female..
Could be true you never know.
by Maze 44 Replies latest jw experiences
Has claimed to be both Male and Female..
Could be true you never know.
A lot of posters refer to Alice/Maze as..
Or are we all wrong in assuming that the Spade alias was also yours?
Spade's email addy begins with ...................................... wait for it ............................................... alice
Maze, I got kicked out because I stopped going to meetings. And it was over a trivial thing. Two times I came home late at night and she said "you are going to have to leave. youre being a bad example for your sister."
Jehovah's Organization deserves the reputation it is getting. It has been a long time coming and many of us have suffered abuses you can't imagine. There is no way justice can be done but exposure is a good start. If they are God's org. let them come clean and make amends. A honest org would do that.
The Church of God actually did that, apologized to the folks they misled.
I consider protecting the wife and three children from embarassment, shunning, and other forms of harassment to be a valid reason for doing so. Naming the "elder-father" also identifies the wife and children. As Jack Webb said at the beginning of every episode, "Only the names were changed to protect the innocent."
The fact of the matter is there's no way to confirm if the story really took place or if it's a fabrication. A feature of the blog-article is that it's garnished with a picture from the Watchtower Society's publications for dramatization. There's several reasons to conclude the story is a fabrication. Even if there was some truth to the story, this “elder” acted inappropriately and independent of any instruction from the faithful and discreet slave and anyting taught in the Christian congregation. This incident as explained was strictly the result of a bigoted, irrational, selfish personality. It had nothing to do with anything taught by Jehovah Witnesses.
And I'm labeled a troll because I can see through the rotten antics of apostates. I assume there's someone who thinks something productive comes from all this. It's a useless expenditure of a person's time and energies. In the end it will leave you feeling empty and void.
"In the end it will leave you feeling empty and void" That's an excellent description of what the "Truth" does to people especially after many years of wasted effort, waiting for the Armageddon-Fraud to come.
If these stories were untrue, they would have little or no effect and you would be wasting your time attacking them. The fact that they ARE true is what is so damaging. People read them and say "that's my experience" and the matter is intensified.
Where is the recent Watchtower article or explicit counsel against excessive shunning? Or the specific extremism of dumping your 'I don't want to be a Witness' kids? Perhaps you could point out plain, explicit Watchtower counsel against the crimes described.
In the end it gives people the opportunity to tell their stories so that the a mirror can be held up to the society and people can see the true consequences of choosing this particualr belief system, You may not like it and it may make you uncomfortable then good. You see you do not understand apostates at all. They are people who have been bullied and abused but still have a firm grasp on their humanity, They care about those left behind and they care about how their behaviour impacts on their families. We have compassion for one another. We also want to prevent others suffering as we have done.
Trying to label our accounts as false stories does not make them less true. But labeling a religion as the truth when it is not is. You see a true story does not become a lie merely because you say it is or even because you want to discredit it. With a little effort the people in the original story could be traced and found but with minimal research your religion can be stripped of it's veneer and exposed as the poisonous and controlling apostacy it is. I think that is the apostacy you are looking for. You see nothing because you are blinkered by a false truth in other words you fell for a lie.
Seeing as you are such a goody two shoes and are not doing anything to be embarrassed about ..... out yourself ...... here .... now
Maze, you didn't respond to the PROOF of False Stories produced by the religion you are defending, the FAKE life stories of Witnesses who claimed that JW's came to them speaking of Christ's enthronement and Presence in 1914 when the facts from their own literature shows they were NOT proclaiming this for 1914, but for 1874.
The Society tells little but FALSE STORIES!
You are a liar and from the Mother of all liars, the Watchtower Society.