Intel, first let me say I'm truly sorry that you're going through this. Having a young child involved in the situation makes it that much more difficult.
Secondly, I will say that I am very happy for you that you have broken free of the mind control. If you yourself aren't completely free yet, at least you are in your mind and that is a powerful thing!
I've gone through the same...I didn't DA, wasn't DF'ed, but I faded. Once my ex found out I didn't want "The Truth", he decided I was a "spiritual danger" and had to go. He had family and fellow JW's agree to swear in a court of law that I was abusive ("abusive" in a JW's mind could be something as ridiculous as a parent not giving a child a bible study or praying with them, refusing to care for their "spiritual needs" translated into neglect). Armed with this testimony, he came to me and told me he had a huge amount of evidence against me and people willing to call Child Welfare and testify that I was abusing my kids. His family threatened me that they would make sure everyone in the area "knew what I was" and that I'd never make it on my own because no one would give me a job once they were done. And staying in my home was not an option because my ex was trying to find some sort of grounds to have me arrested or physically removed from the house. All he had to say was that he feared for himself and my children. I was a stay-at-home mom, didn't have access to our bank account. I didn't have a penny to my name.
That's not the entirety of it, but I try not to post TOO much detail as I'm still lying low for the time being. But know you're not alone. I wish I had the Child Custody packet back then. I have a PDF of it now, if you would like me to email it to you. I wish I had the money for a lawyer then. I wish I had the time to get more information at that time. So many things I'd do differently. Now my children are half a world away, I only get to speak to them a couple of times a month (after not being able to AT ALL because of my ex's lies), and he has another wife who is raising MY BABIES. What I'm trying to say is DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOU. Prepare yourself, even if you think you will stay together! Make sure you always have a backup, a contingency plan. Give yourself an out and make SURE you can remain in contact with your precious little girl. As she gets older in this cult, she will need her daddy.
Take care, and please feel free to send me a PM if you'd like to talk further.