The elder who studied with me told me that a Witness wrote the song "Downtown" but had originally titled it "Uptown". I did some brief research but all I could find is that the writer is Tony Hatch.
Music-related jw urban myths
by rebel8 64 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Band on the Run
My high school years were a pitched battle between my father JW and John Lennon and the Beatles. I was an original fan club member in the States. A teen magazine put me in touch with a British Monkees fan. I sent her American Monkees junk and she sent me Beatles junk. My parents would not give me any money for music so I worked after school for Beatles, Stones, the WHO and Dylan. My father sequestered me in the house the evening of the last concert at Shea. I had no clue where Forest Hills, Queens was and no money.
My Beatles albums, posters, scrapbooks of press clippings, radio, fan club photos were all confiscated. John had just gone public with Yoko. Yuck. My father came into my room, sat on my bed in his undershorts only and ranted about how evil John was. He used to beat and kick me. Nevertheless, I pondered my father in his little rinky house in his undershorts with his big belly hanging out and then I thought of John, his fame, his wit, his music, Beatlemania, recognized by adults now as a genius. Despite myself, I started to laugh.
My father died shortly thereafter. My mom let me put up all my Beatles stuff. Soon I was commuting to NY regularly to attend concerts at Central Park and the Filmore East. One year later, I was at Woodstock. Saw the Stones regularly. Eric Clapton. the works.
Decades later, any reference to John Lennon, besides his murder, brings sheer joy to me. John, Yes! Witnesses, No! Listen to early Beatles music and Kingdom melodies and tell me where God is. All that music was so uplifting, empowering and soulful. It nourished me. To say it was just music is to miss the point completely. The light goes in the darkness and the Beatles live.
I was not raised as a Witness, but country music reigned in my house. I remember being embarrassed to tell my mother I was a rock fan, but once I did, she started helping me buy music. One of my first albums was the double album set by the Beatles 70-72 or something like that. I would lock myself in my room for hours and play those 2 albums on my rinky dink turn table for hours. My heart still flutters when I hear Strawberry Fields start playing. Early teen years are tough, and that music helped me through. Of course, the Beatles were simply the gateway drug, and soon I was addicted to Queen and Zeppelin and Frampton. My brothers and I would have wars where they blasted KISS, and I blasted Frampton (who I intended to marry). It was only after we became adults that we admitted to each other that we had always really like the "enemy" bands.
The Smurfs Song:
"Crystal Blue Persuasion" by Tommy James and the Shondrels was popular when the blue covered "TRUTH BOOK" was released at the summer DC....which was the "Summer of Love" for the rest of the world. Everyone said Tommy James was studying when he wrote the hit song about the TRUTH BOOK so all the Witness Kids got to play it with impunity. My Dad had a mint condition 1962 19 window VW bus and we camped out of it during the 8 day assembly that summer. With all our gear on the rack and flower power stickers on the bumpers, the hippies honked and waved at us thinking we were one of them. Years later when I was 17 I got baptized at the International Assembly in Vancouver Canada. Glen Campell was supposed to have been getting baptized as well and people were running around looking for him so they could get him to sign their Kingdom song book. They made an announcement about how this was improper of course.
Simon Morley
CO protested about Dylan's "Lay, Lady Lay", being about immorality, I fobbed it off by telling him it was about boy and his childhood best friend - a dog (not true, but I wanted to toy with his pea brain), he went on to say it was about probably about bestiality. Sick bastard.
charlie brown jr.
I remember Bentley reading his list off... he left no one out....
Beach Boys
Simon and Garfunkel
Linda Ronstadt
When he mentioned Led Zeppelin he said This Man is just evil this Mr. Zeppelin .......
I was sitting with my Buddy and we burst out laughing... getting looks from several Elders..... we found ourselves being talked to after the meeting..... No snake Pit...but close LMAO!
Band on the Run
Lay, Lady, Lay is a superbly written song. It even sounds good when Dylan performs it. Now I've had my chuckle for the day. A boy and his dog. Bob should hear this story!
Mad Sweeney
So the Stairway to Heaven youtube on the previous page is supposed to show that there is NOT back masking in the song? When it is clear that there IS, no matter who sings it? Or is his point that it isn't intentional? I don't get what he's trying to say.
I do know this. It is totally random and coincidental and every bit as pointless as subliminal images (they're only found by people who look for them).