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EXTRACT FROM DC 2011/2, FRI. A.M. TALK #2 "How We Know God's Kingdom Will Come Soon."
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Approx. 15:06 mins in, after the interviews with the old-timers.
So far we've examined two lines of evidence indicating that God's kingdom will come soon. We've seen how world conditions at Revelation 6 and how people's attitudes at 2 Timothy 3 prove the nearness of God's kingdom.
But there's still a third line of evidence. That's the development among God's people themselves. Now we know the resurrection of the anointed began shortly after Christ was enthroned in 1914. But not all the anointed have completed their earthly course. The reason that this is relevant is because something that we read, again in Revelation chapter 6. This time we start in verse 9. Let's go back to Revelation 6 ... notice as we read 9 through 11 ... [reads]. So here, the Scriptures are describing two parts of the same group whose lives would overlap - those anointed already in heaven and those still here on the earth. Interestingly, this is consistent with Jesus' words at Matthew 24 verse 34 where he stated, "This generation will by no means pass away, until all these things occur."
Now the obvious question is, to what generation was Jesus referring and what does this have to do with Revelation chapter 6? Well, like Revelation, the generation that Jesus was referring to also consists of two groups of people whose lives would overlap. Group 1 of this generation discerned the sign of Christ's presence in 1914. But they weren't merely born in 1914 nor merely alive to witness the start of Christ's presence. They were spirit-anointed in or before 1914. Therefore, the generation Jesus referred to saw the start of the last days. The second group are those that will see the end of this system of things. As the first group grew older, the second group started to be born so that for a while the two groups overlapped one another - they were contemporaries of one another.
We might think of it this way. While we were in school, we were contemporaries with children of other ages who were also going through school. Even though our ages differed, we were collectively known as 'school age children.' We were all part of the same generation of students. Obviously the older ones finished their course, even while the younger ones were just starting out.
Now, applying that thought to Jesus' illustration, he said in effect, before these younger students could complete their course, this system will have already ended. Now this is important because today, today those younger ones are themselves well advanced in years. This underscores how little time remains and clearly indicates the tribulation must be near. And soon now, Christ will complete his conquest over those who refuse to recognize his authority. This becomes clear as we finish Revelation chapter 6, starting in verse 12 ... [reads v. 12-17]. Yes indeed, who will stand? The very fact that the question is asked shows that not all will. But Revelation chapter 7 goes on to say that those who stand are the remaining ones of the anointed and a great crowd of other sheep.
So how do we know that the kingdom is coming soon? Is it just a feeling that we have? No, not at all. We've reviewed multiple lines of Scriptural evidence, we've taken eye-witness testimony, all leading to the same conclusion: we are deep into the end of this system. God's kingdom will soon come. Christ will soon complete his conquest. He'll soon guide people, survivors to paradise. So we know that God's kingdom will soon come.