Great to see you both, GGG and Will Power.
GGG, a lot that you describe is part of that mid-life crisis we go through when the children fly the nest. I went through an identity crisis of sorts. I did not know what music I liked, what food I would buy for myself...what to do with all my new spare time. I hated the silent house. I've managed to fill it out nicely now.
You don't have a quiet house, though. You have a bored hubby underfoot. I can relate to that, too.
I know you are a smart woman who is well-grounded, confident in who you are. So I'll give tips, but feel free to take or leave the ones that don't fit your situation.
- Date night with hubby away from the Witnesses. See if you can get him out and about, too. There are discounted events in your neighbourhood if money is an issue.
- Consider terminating your discounted therapist. If she can't relate, how can she help? Lady Lee taught me the freedom to choose; if a therapist doesn't fit, move on.
- Find out if a "Chronic Disease Self Management" course is offered in your community. This course gives practical tools for breaking through old habits and patterns, and has been a great support for me. I recently went through a very stressful event and I was able to pull some of these resources out to calm me.
- Strategize ways to socialize that will gradually acclamitize your hubby. The date night is one of these.
I have a hubby with OCD and hoarding tendencies. I desperately needed to move some things about and do a purge. Nagging was a waste. I waited until he was out of the house, and purged a little. I purged and moved around a few more things the next day. He moaned, mumbled, and re-sorted his precious stacks when he was done, rightly asked why I hadn't involved him in the decision?
"Because you would have found a reason to put if off a little longer. It needed to get done."
He didn't have much to say to that. I think he's written off my new energy to a womanly thing and is tolerating my changes.
I guess what I am saying is if you make gradual changes perhaps your hubby's resistance won't be set off. He'll work on tolerance.