Do you all know, that Jehovah even believe's in the faithful and discreet slave? Do you?
The brothers are only human...they make mistakes. Dont be so hard on them. (Typical J-Dub talk)
by Joliette 38 Replies latest jw friends
To JW's = Hitler was imperfect too! Would you say he just made mistakes?
life is to short
I love your thread. It is so crazy to reason with them. When I asked one elders wife about the fact that the pedophile in the hall could be molesting his own daughter she said she worried about it also, but her elder husband put her mind to ease when he told her that if the child was being molested then in the new system Jehovah would wipe her mind clean so there was nothing to worry about now.
How can they reason like that. It makes me want to scream.
It's one thing to make mistakes. It's another to do it on purpose--to scam people into selling out. And to do the same ones every few years, just when they think it is slowing down. Those are not mistakes--they are nothing more than scams.
Band on the Run
I was severely abused physically and emotionally by my former Bethelite father. He became a sexual menance so much that a rape monitoring system was put into effect by a social welfare organization. Today with the notice the agency had, he'd be in prison. All his actions were justified by his penis. We were nothing. He had the Roman view that fathers can murder wives and children with impunity.
He was a bodyguard to Rutherford and Knorr, showing how brawny and scary he was. In fairness, he could be bright and nice to outsiders. The lack of charity within the Witnesses bothered him immensely. My uncles were Bethelites, too, when the family was small. Everyone knew everyone else too much for comfort. Bethel transformed him from a man everyone in his mining town loved for his humanity to someone they feared. The hypocrisy he witnesses was too much for me. Yet he could not walk away and disappoint everyone. Beating up small children, women, and animals was his way of coping with the internal pain.
Every religion will have nuts. It reminds me of popes and antipopes. Before the internet, very few Witnesses had any access to how and why certain doctrines were established. Few saw the idiocy up close and personal. I imagine the Internet has been a curse for the Witnesses. Certainly, it helps recruit new believers but anyone with doubts just has to enter a few words and click to see they are not alone in their doubts.
The problem with sarcasm in threads, and I do it often, if that peoplel can't see your face or hear your voice.
The apostate label makes me feel so glamourous and sophisticated! I'm so bad people can't have anything to do with me. The Witnesses make me more important than anything else in my life. It is so droll.
if the child was being molested then in the new system Jehovah would wipe her mind clean so there was nothing to worry about now
Well, at least now I realize that Jehovah was in charge of the Men in Black after all! Now I don't need to see 'Men in Black 3', you just spoiled it!
In response to the question on Harold Camping, you could say:
"False prophets clearly do not have Jehovah's spirit. This is in fulfillment of Jesus' words in Matthew 24. [Read verses 3-14] Did you notice that he spoke of 'false Christs and false prophets' who would mislead many? And he said this would happen as a sign of the conclusion of this system of things. So Harold Camping's false prophecy is a sign that this wicked system is soon to end."
keyser soze
That argument might be valid if: a) they gave other reilgions the same leeway, and b) they didn't hold themselves on such moral high ground to other religions.
Great song!