Let the Dread of Jehovah Be Upon You.."Encouragement" for new Missionaries

by LostGeneration 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Chariklo

    A bit like Judge Dredd, would you say?

  • steve2

    The literature on abusive men documents that they endeavour to convince their battered spouses that the abuse is necessary to rectify the spouses' faults, a form of sick love, if you like. Kind of like a more adult and vicious form of, "When I punch you, it hurts me more than it hurts you, so badly do I want you to improve!". In a human it's patently sick; but in an allegedly perfect "god"? It simply shows that heartless men create gods that reflect their own image: Callous and monster-like.

    Brothers and sisters, someone who needs absolutely no introduction: The Genocidal, Blood-Soaked Monster of the Old Testament, Yahweh.

  • 1975

    Yeah right, and where is he? Living the life of luxury!!!!


  • AllTimeJeff

    They still like em young due to health costs. Older missionaries cost more.

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