A bit like Judge Dredd, would you say?
Let the Dread of Jehovah Be Upon You.."Encouragement" for new Missionaries
by LostGeneration 13 Replies latest watchtower bible
The literature on abusive men documents that they endeavour to convince their battered spouses that the abuse is necessary to rectify the spouses' faults, a form of sick love, if you like. Kind of like a more adult and vicious form of, "When I punch you, it hurts me more than it hurts you, so badly do I want you to improve!". In a human it's patently sick; but in an allegedly perfect "god"? It simply shows that heartless men create gods that reflect their own image: Callous and monster-like.
Brothers and sisters, someone who needs absolutely no introduction: The Genocidal, Blood-Soaked Monster of the Old Testament, Yahweh.
Yeah right, and where is he? Living the life of luxury!!!!
They still like em young due to health costs. Older missionaries cost more.