Flyer for this summer's assembly

by loosie 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • loosie

    I saw the flyer today for the summer assembly. It talks about how people are ruining the earth. In the upper left corner are the "evil" ones one man smoking, I think the other was drinking and then a pic of a dead seagull. in the lower right corner were "good" people enjoying the paradise earth... to my shock and awe the mom and daughter of this good family hiking up the hill weren't wearing dresses or skirts.... they were wearing ( gasp) Pants.... i thought Jah didn't like women in pants. lol

    I showed it to a Catholic co-worker just to see what normal people think of this s%^& she focused on the sentence " see how you can QUALIFY to live on this paradise." She said how does one qualify.. I said I don't know maybe it's based on your credit score like a home loan.

  • godrulz

    The biblical hope is based on what Christ has done for us, received by grace through faith. It is a heavenly hope for this Church Age. The cultic false hope is a works treadmill with the sword of Damocles of Disfellowshipping constantly hanging over one's head. The earthly hope is fine, but God wants us to see Him face to face and know Him intimately (vs run a clean up service for the millennium).

  • FlyingHighNow
  • maryann

    We are warmly invited ... to see if humans will ruin this earth ... but we'll have to "qualify" if we want to live in the transformed paradise.

  • clarity

    How you can qualify to live in paradise??

    Well that's easy, the watchtower gives us the answer... `follow us following christ!`

    Btw, my eyes are getting bad ... what are those two long things in front of the man in the middle, ..... bombs, 2 french loaves in bags, arms with missing fingers ...what!


  • FlyingHighNow

    Maybe someone can scan it better than this. I found this scan through google images.

  • SnakesInTheTower

    this was on google from the back of the May 2011 Awake! Asleep! magazine. I noticed this is the less scary version.

    glad I am not having to listen to this drivel.

    Snakes (Rich )

  • SnakesInTheTower

    here is a better alt * version of what you scanned:

    * I found my vomiting smileys -- on a previous DC thread. LOL

  • punkofnice

    Doom and gloom to the max. Such a negative organization.

    Perhaps doom and gloom is how they think they can get the most cash out of people.

    Here is a talk outline my washTowel wrotting committee came up with to help our mind controlled victims believe they can QUALIFY for the delusion of the paradox earth.


    Do More or Jehovah will Lovingly Kill You. Soon!

    Talk to be assigned to a power tripping bastard or repentant paedophile.

    (5min) God loves you and will lovingly kill you if you don’t do more.

    The world is bad. It is so deadly, terribly bad. Woe to us all. Everything is dreadful. (Quote current news item in proof). The FD$ need power and money because the global financial system is in decline caused by Satan (imply the audience is at fault). The world is in a terrible state. Everything is awful. Give us your cash so that God won’t kill you for being worldly.

    WT 53 6/1 p350 par24. g 69 5/22 p15.

    (10min) Cleansed minds

    Jehovah’s ‘happy pill ‘people are not brainwashed. We prefer to have our minds ‘cleansed’ or God will kill us. God will kill us soon when the overlapping stops very shortly. Rev 1:18. Luke 17:5-10

    WT 53 6/1 p350 par24

    (15min) Encourage more to join the cult or die. Soon!

    Do not use the internet to do independent research. You must recruit more into the cult because the FD$ are losing money. Use ‘Theotwatic warfare’ and lie about disfellowshipping one who leave. Lie to potential Bible studies that Jehovah reads hearts. Do not tell them that only Jehovah’s witnesses will survive Armageddon. WT89 9/1 pg19 par 7

    Armageddon will be soon (subject to overlapping toes). Paedophiles must be protected at all times but apostates must be hated. Gossip must prevail in the congregations to hurt the feelings of vulnerable ones. 1975 was not a false prediction. Jehovah didn’t let Armageddon come in 1975 as a test to those who thought it would. It was all your fault and the FD$ are not to blame for anything. The FD$ did not say anything about 1975 and you will be disfellowshipped if you say they did because they are your God.

    Only by worshipping the FD$ and giving them money can we have any hope of owning a pet monkey in paradise. Matt 24:45. Prov 4:18

    WT89 9/1 pg19 par 17

    (Please stick closely to the material quoted and do not use the Bible as an authority. Refer ONLY to the washTowel as a higher authority than god. Adhere closely to the timing for each section. Ensure that guilt, fear and phobia are instilled in the audience using ‘loaded language’ at all times. Encourage unquestioning corporate loyalty to the WT$ branded product ‘Jehovah’)

    wtb$ pt 666

  • FlyingHighNow

    "Warmly invited." Makes me think of how the Romans ran perfume through the aisles at the coliseum. Perfume to mask the odors of blood, burst intestines and brains. While the eager, sicko people watched with glee, the gladiators murder gladiators and lions eat up Chrisitans.

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