Yet another newbie....

by breakfast of champions 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Been lurking since last August and figured I'd sign up. Just a brief

    history (although I feel like I've read this experience 100 times on

    this board already):

    Was raised in a 'divided household' -my father was 'opposed' and my

    mother beat and guilted the hell out of me. Baptized at 17, chose to

    reg aux pio out of HS rather than college (much to the disappointment

    to my father)... Lived all my life in the NYC metro area so Bethel

    influence was always big in the cong... I have just about as much

    insight into the Bethel mentality as you can have without ever having

    lived there- I should've known better!

    Got married to my best friend (and still am, quite happily) Continued

    'progressing' in the cong. MS then elder. I have to say for the most

    part, I really did enjoy my time as an elder- the congregation was

    happy, 'prosperous', and developed a rather 'liberal' feel to it

    overall. Not a bad place to be.

    Then my life changed about 6 years ago- I got seriously ill,

    experienced an extreme and life - altering 'nervous breakdown' after

    which I began having serious doubts about god. I 'stepped aside' as an

    elder and was really treated very compassionately by the brothers. I

    could tell it pained them to see me suffer the way I had. I figured

    the best I could do was just keep doing what I was supposed to do (

    meetings, field service) and things would eventually sort themselves


    Fortunately I had access to some great doctors who helped immensely

    with my condtion, and with the help of the right meds, and I gradually

    started to feel better. I was ready to rally and make a spiritual


    It was around the same time that the 2010 district convention came to

    town. To be honest the 'overlapping generation' nonsense really didn't

    hit me at first. But what upset me was hearing several very sincere,

    humble friends express their discontent with this so-called 'new

    light'- it was like the Society was playing us for fools. These were

    not 'rabble rousers' in any sense of the term. One person asked me

    point blank "Are things (world conditions) really worse now than ever


    I knew something was up. I thought to myself, if I am going to make a

    sprititual comeback, these questions and doubts need to be addressed.

    One thing that had bothered me for YEARS was the 607 date. Living near

    NYC I had frequently visited the many museums there including the Met

    and Jewish Museum. It was strange to me how there was this 20 yr

    disparity between their date and the society's date for Jerusalem's

    fall (and by extention anything dating from that time period). I also

    realized this date was integral to the 1914 'chronology'

    Luckily for me, I had been given the entire Studies in the Scriptures

    boxed set as a gift about 15 or so years ago, but had never read them.

    What better place could there be to learn about the 1914 chronolgy

    than straight from the horses mouth?

    What an eye opener!

    What a load of crap!

    The house of cards began to fall.

    I walked around numb for about two weeks.

    What should I do?

    What do I believe in?

    Well, my 'brief history' has dragged on longer than I thought!

    So, basically where I am at now is where I see a lot of people here -

    STUCK! I absolutely LOVE my wife and her family (all 'in the truth'

    except for my father in law) and I don't want to rock the boat. She

    essentially knows how I feel and can understand my cynicism, but the

    stock "where will we go?" question is raised. She esentially knows

    that most of the stuff is total BS but is not ready to throw it all


    Here is my only real hope at this point:

    I really do get the impression something big is going to go down in

    the next 5-10 years as far as the Society is concerned. 2014 isn't

    just going to pass by without notice. I can't imagine people at least

    secretly wondering,"Where the hell is my new system?"

  • EmptyInside


    It does take awhile to figure it all out. I'm still in the process too. So,again,welcome,and keep posting.

  • snowbird

    Welcome, BOC.

    We all need to eat our Wheaties in order to maintain our stamina while dealing with the WT.

    I gave up on them a long time ago, but my daughter, sister, and nephew are still going strong.

    This is a good place to question, vent, and just plain hang out with the group.

    So glad you decided to join us.


  • moshe

    Welcome, enlightened one.

    If JWs are to wake up, they will have to begin separating reality from WT fiction/propaganda, just like you did.


  • Quandry

    Welcome to the forum.

    I was "in" for over thirty years. My husband was an elder for twenty. Although the generation new light isn't what got us out, I can't help but think that eventually the "overlapping generation" would have been too much for me. When they changed the teaching the last time-1995? from the annointed alive in 1914 to people who are wicked I remember asking my hubbie-the WT study conductor, to go over it again, and I still didn't get it. At that point I actually became afraid to say it didn't make sense to me-I thought that I was spiritually stupid. Everyone in the WT study just nodded and went on as if nothing had happened. As I heard it on this forum, mostly the same thing happened when the overlapping generation "new light" was "revealed." Now, from what you are saying, the rank and file are NOT just "absorbing the light." They are beginning to detect BS.

    Take things slow with the wife and family. Hope you can successfully fade if that is your wish.

  • pirata

    @breakfast of champions,

    Welcome to the forum! Look forward to hearing more from you.

  • ABibleStudent

    Welcome breakfast of champions. I look forward to more posts from you. As JW stories go, your story has a lot of positives. You are very lucky that you and your wife still love each other. By the way you are not as stuck as you think. You have plenty of options. I would recommend reading Steve Hassan's books like "Combatting Cult Mind Control". It could help you and your wife a lot. You could stop donating to the WTBTS. You could also write anonymous emails to your JW friends/relatives to visit website such as and . Just a couple of thoughts to show how many options that you have.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you know,


  • sizemik

    Welcome to the forum BOC . . .

    I can identify with the breakdown part . . . Same thing rocked my world after 26 years a JW . . . came on very hard and fast . . . and precipitated my eye-opening too.

    That was 7 years ago now, and me and family are well clear of WT world. Life is happier now than it has been for 30-odd years. The "spiritual wilderness" is an uncomfortable place . . . but you will get through it. Things get much better with time. Nice to have you here.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Wow! Thank you all for your responses. This is amazing!

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Welcome congrats on waking up!

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