I'm actually studying thru much of thier material. They appear to have a good working foundation when it come to explaining things about the feast days and holy days that true Christians should be following. They also give wonderful explanations as to why theses days are celebrated in relation to man's salvation.
They have what I believe to be a keen insight into the scriptures, for instance, the discrepancy regarding when Christ was to celebrate the passover during the institution of the Lord's Evening Meal was greatly cleared up for me. The Jews no longer followed the traditions of old when it came to keeping time. Instead of counting as God had prescribed, the day begining at sunset, they were following the traditions of Rome by begining their day at sunrise, reason why the discrepancy exist even today. Witnesses as well as those from the previous followers of the WCG slated that day as Sunday evening sundown, this year. Traditional Jews associated the Passover of Monday, 24hrs. later. Because the timing never changed from those ancient times, the discrepancy continues to exist. It was the same confusion during Jesus day, as well.
Other beliefs I think they have correct are about the fallacy of Christ being crucified on Friday. Jesus statement regarding being in the heart of the earth for 3 days and 3 nights makes the Good Friday killing of the Christ a fallacy. The Sabbath that was being spoken of was not the traditional weekly Sabbath, begining at sunset Friday to sunset Saturday, but was an Annual Sabbath that was not dependent of it falling on traditional weekly Sabbath. The calendar the Jews were following was not like we follow today. That annual Sabbath was defined as a Great Sabbath in scripture. All there information, books, videos and others can be down loaded on line at no charge, whatsoever. Or you can request hard copies of thier materials in the form of books and DVD's, also without charge. They have helped me to understand my Bible in ways, no Jehovah's Witness ever has.
Don't just take my or any other's word for Gospel, pro or con, but the information is there. If you read it, I think you'll be very enlightened, if not, at least amused.
My favorite place to get the info can be found at thetrumpet.com There are other offshoots as well, yes, but when discussing the Lord's Supper and their celebrating the Evening Meal, it was stated that divisivness in the congregations would have to show up, if for nothing other than showing who actually had God's approval. Something that could never take place in a KH.
1st Corinthians 11:17,18
17In the following directives I have no praise for you, for your meetings do more harm than good. 18In the first place, I hear that when you come together as a church, there are divisions among you, and to some extent I believe it. 19No doubt there have to be differences among you to show which of you have God's approval.
1st John 4:1
1Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.
The above scripture, too could never be followed in a KH. There is no room for questioning anything that comes from the hierarchy at the top.