you were suggesting that the WTS is not a destructive cult.
All churches are destructive cults. That's my point. Those who don't destroy the person directly like the easily-identifiable cults, destroy faith and doctrine.
the church that Jesus started that was built on peter and the apostles and has been in existence for some 2,000 years.
Really? For hundreds of years, there was only one church and it was torturing people for reading the Bible. You going to tell me that was it?
Jesus' true church is true followers of Christ. It's not a building, an organization, or a magisterium. "God's organization" made a golden calf, persecuted God's prophets, killed Jesus, and tortured Christians. This claim that there is a "true church" organization has been beaten into the ground by JWs and every church thinks it's them. The churches all claiming to be the "true church" pave the way for cults like JWs to offer that physical group everybody's looking for. Well, it doesn't exist as a denomination.
This is one thing Russell had right: No church, just doctrine. If someone wants to keep attending their church and disregard its doctrine in favor of something they understand to be true, so be it.
In the following matters, I don't praise you. Your meetings do more harm than good. First, here is what people are telling me. When you come together as a church, you take sides. And in some ways I believe it. No doubt you need to take sides in order to show which of you God agrees with! - 1Cor 11:17-19