Despite being a JW for 20 years, this has just flashed up into my mind?
Of course Jesus is important in the lives of JW's, but they worship Jehovah!
Hence, are they Christians or Jehovians?
Tim x
by TimothyT 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Despite being a JW for 20 years, this has just flashed up into my mind?
Of course Jesus is important in the lives of JW's, but they worship Jehovah!
Hence, are they Christians or Jehovians?
Tim x
They aren't Christians. They aren't even Jehovians - they are Societians.
They worship the Society as God, Jehovah is just a cover story.
Insofar as the profess faith in the jesus, they are. But, like many others that do so, they are not in practice.
Jesus said at Acts 1:8 that his followers would be "witnesses of" him. No mention of God. Throughout even the NWT, there is no mention of "Jehovah's Witnesses" only witnesses of Jesus.
At one time the WTS said "Jehovah's Christian Witnesses" but dropped that by 1984 (27 years ago).
The WTS even forbid congregations to put "Christian" on the KH signs.
*** km 4/79 p. 4 Announcements ***Is it appropriate to have a Kingdom Hall sign saying: “Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Christian Witnesses”? So there will be uniformity, the Society encourages all to make their signs read: “Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses.” (See October 1978 OurKingdomService, page 3, paragraph 5.)
If you ask a jw what religion they are, most will respond "one of Jehovah's Witnesses" not "Christian."
They accept the Protestant canon of the New Testament, so in that sense they are Christian.
"Christian" includes people who believe that Islamic forces, possibly led by Russia as the King of the North, will invade Israel and lose, but it will take 7 years to bury the dead.
"Christian" includes people who believe that a sudden mass evacuation of believers, known as the rapture, will take place where they will meet the Lord in the air.
"Christian" includes Mormons and the magic underwear.
JW's strange beliefs are just a few of the many.
LOL no. They are cult followers of the Bronze-Age sea god Yahweh. The Witnesses belong to the lunatic fringe of Christianity.
"Christian" includes people who believe that a sudden mass evacuation of believers, known as the rapture, will take place where they will meet the Lord in the air.
Don't forget "real Christians" believe in the Superman Jesus.
Think About It
90%+ of Christians, which includes Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestants, do not consider JWs to be Christian. This is because JWs do not teach what are considered to be the core Christian doctrines about Jesus. Orthodox consider Catholics and Protestants to be Christians, Catholics consider Orthodox and Protestants to be Christians, and most Protestants consider Catholics and Orthodox to be Christians, but none of the three considers JWs to be Christians. The same is true, by the way, respecting other groups like Mormons.
I don't think they are. THEY think they are. Therein lies the problem.
The doctrine actually doesn't give much to Jesus at all - first they eliminate the bible teaching that he is mankind's mediator, and then they exclude 98% of witnesses from partaking of his 'body and blood' though the bible doesn't say anything about only a select group being "worthy."
The NWT doesn't even respect Jesus enough not to twist his words. "Today you will be with me in paradise" - every other bible vs "I say to you today, you will be with me in paradise." A subtle, but significant difference.
I think all religion is man-made crap (and when i said this to a witness they said "Good thing we aren't a religion.") , i just think anyone who believes in Christ and accepts him as their savior is a Christian.