Icebreaker: A friend of Jehovah is a friend of mine

by fernidad 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • fernidad

    ok, I was holding back from you guys, but if we are going to be friends you should know I took Jehovah, God, Allah and the rest of his name for my own to use as my nicknames. I hope this is not an issue, but I felt it was required to do so, ok?


    - the King

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Hate to break it to you kid, but the majority of us aren't JWs and we don't give a stuff with what you do with the name of Jehovah. You can pretend to be his friend or whatever you want to post, but it's not gonna stir us up, ok?

  • Paralipomenon

    Ten bucks says he's not an active or ex-jw.

    Someone that came to troll religious sites.

    Wow, the epic case of trolling blue balls he must have after figuring this out.

  • fernidad

    hi friends!

    Letting my friends know Jehovah gave me the image of my throne for Vittorio Capitol Building Heaven and Earth to think about, and how to use it by rattling the wood sides of the throne to gather attention of my people and citizens like it's an instrument.

    (picture shown) is the best I can find for you Jehovah (real one) , to show everyone a representation of myself as an image on paper. Does anybody from the Kingdom Hall know who draws and paints the Awake! and Watchtower magazines? I might need that artist who draws them and paints them under request of Jehovah to show an image of myself in representation, on paper.


    - the King

  • Berengaria

    Well this is fun!

  • mrsjones5

    I don't understand the premise of this thread. :-/

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Finally somone to kick Lars off his self agrandising perch!! Woohoo, bring it on FerniGod. Let the games begin....

    Your logic seems to be at about Lars level and a God trumps messiah any day of the week.

  • thetrueone

    Someone is not mentally healthy, it is note worthy that the JWS and the WTS. attracts people who are psychologicaly delusional ,

    metally contained in a expression of paranoid schizophrenia.

    Something not to be made fun of apathetically.

  • Satanus

    It could be a joke to rattle chains.

    Tell us more, king ferdi.


  • HappyDad

    Looks like Brownboy under another one of his many names (for those of you who remember him) on some very strong self-medication.


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