AWSNAP- I know I'm just a " guy " but considering you've had several " female " observations - I'll give you a guys perspective as one who USED to be a guy in the JW cult. Your sister is probably somewhat controlled by her husband, your brother in law due to his " reaching out " for positions in the organization. If he's like a good number of JW men - most of them dominate their wives by coercing their JW wives to do what tHEY want to do and it usually always takes priority over their wives wishes. So it may be that in order to keep the peace with her hubby- your sister gave in to his whims of going on the trip. I was never this way with my JW Ex-wife - but I knew a lot of JW guys who were.
The fact your sister made you a beautiful quilt shows her deep affection for you , so try not to take it too personally. I have a feeling your sister is dominated by a controlling JW husband. She has pressures too to deal with. And if he's a douchebag like you said, he probably keeps her so busy babying him and picking up after him - she has no time for anything else ! Which is HIS fault, not hers. Your sister is mind controlled to keep HIS wishes first and to put hers in a backseat somewhere. And we can blame the WT society for controlling your sister. I have JW siblings like that in which I rarely EVER hear from. I just chalk it up to the JW cult keeping them so busy, they have NO TIME for normal human family relationships. It's sad , I don't like it, but they are manipulated by the WT thinking. Not much I can do about it. Just rise above it and be a better person. My motto anyway. Take care, good luck on your upcoming baby ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper