Here is a scence from a very depressing movie with interesting insight.
Johnny got his gun
by d 15 Replies latest jw friends
War is truly nasty.
keyser soze
The movie was made by the same guy who wrote the novel back in the 30's. The book was much better than the movie, IMO.
The book was incredible and the movie was good. I'd recommend the book any day to anyone who wants to know about war.
Jesus is a Canadian!
No Room For George
I didn't know about this thread, but I knew someone would post the Metallica song. I didn't even listen to metal back then, but that song was still good to me.
Jesus is a Canadian!
Shhhh, it's a secret. Don't tell the Jews.
And before he got this gig, he was a weirdo, hippy tank commander for the US Army. He helped Telly Savalas and Clint Eastwood break through the German lines and rob a bank.
Glad i wasnt the ONE to disapoint you miz...
Band on the Run
Is this about the Dalton Trumbo book about a soldier in WWI. It was one of the most chilling items I've read. In fact, it was the most chilling. I am still huanted decades later.