Oh yeah and if they didn't hear him, the giant passing paintings at 4:05 would have woke them for sure. They looked darn impressive on a fullsized theater screen, I can't imagine how impressive they'd have been flashing across the sky.
A simple question about Jesus prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane.
by nicolaou 64 Replies latest watchtower bible
And the lead singer of Deep Purple Ian Gillan does a great interpretation as well. A hard rocking Jesus for sure:
"A stone's throw away" is just slang for any short distance, not a particular
distance determined by the farthest a stone can be thrown by someone. It could
be within earshot or, at the other extreme, refer to how far away a store in
the neighborhood is which is farther away than the person could throw a stone.
http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/stones-throw.htmlHow loud Jesus was isn't clear either, but it's given he was in anguish,
which could cause a person to use a louder voice. -
Jesus: Ok guys, you hang out I am gonna go Pray to My dad.
Guys: Cool * make themselves comfortable*
Jesus starts to kneel and kneels on a stone
Jesus: Damn it to hell that freaking hurt !!!
Guys thinking " poor Jesus, he must be getting soem bad news'
Jesus gets up to walk somewhere and steps on sharp twig
Jesus: OUCH !! Oh come on !!!
Guys thinking "Man, he is in real pain, YHWH must be giving him some real shocking news"
Jesus kneels and slips on wet floor and smacks nose on tree stump
Jesus: Damn it all to freaking hell, that hurts like a bitch !! I swear blood is everywhere !!!!
Guys, " Wow, he's even sweating blood !!".
Band on the Run
The problem with the all scripture is inspired of God, the title of an old book, quote is how do you define scripture? Scripture becomes scripture through a political process of legitimization and usage. Jesus did not have the OT as we know it in his time. The canons were developed after the events portrayed. Different denominations recognize different canons.
I would conclude that the dialogue Jesus had with himself is invented, consistent with the view the early Church taught. What is strange, though, that the Gnostics have pretty much the same story structure as the canonical gospels. The Holy Spirit may have been present, indeed. Believing in science and modern social theory does not negate the Holy Spirit being present. Perhaps the Risen Christ taught what he said in his postResurrection appearances before he ascended. I don't think Eastern people are factual sticklers the way Western moderns are. It is a different mind set. I don't think they lied or committed fraud. I do believe they were human and not different from the rest of us.
After His resurrection and before His ascension, He spent 40 days with His disciples.
Oh, the things they must have discussed during those 40 days!
Why wasn't any of that recorded by the disciples? Seems to me that would be pretty important stuff.
Why wasn't any of that recorded by the disciples? Seems to me that would be pretty important stuff.
Could be that since His disciples were all Jewish at that time, they felt no need to record anything.
You know, oral tradition, and all that jazz?
Band on the Run
Yes. Didn't his nature, God, man or quasi-spirit as with the Witnesses, ever come up for discussion? We worship Christ precisely b/c He is Risen and will Come Again. I believe what I do b/c I want to do so. There is no grand logic. The Bible does not make logical sense. It can reflect deeper truths than the apparent world in which we live.
I also can't believe the Bible is the only text used by God. The Vedas, Buddhist writings, the Tao, etc. all are important works. All I can say that the Bible reflects my personal culture. I used to ask for answers to questions as the Watchtower practices. Every little detail must be marked. An Episcopal priest admitted he had no answers. The church is a community of people seeking the same answers to questions that trouble them or they view as important.
Otherwise, there is circular logic. The Bible is true b/c it is the Bible. It is the Bible b/c it is true. Dreamed I'd be an apostle, knew I could make it if I tried, then something, something, I'd retire and write the Gospels and they'll all talk about me when I die. Hum, Hum.
Band, not all Chrisitans believe the Bible is all inspired and the only book. Many are very universalist in their idea of God, that he loves everyone no matter what they believe or don't believe.
Many [Christians] are very universalist in their idea of God, that he loves everyone no matter what they believe or don't believe.
How can that even be called Christianity?! Diluting your faith and covering it with sugar may make it more palatable to the masses but, and this is the heart of the topic we're discussing, it has little to do with what Christ actually spoke or taught. At it's core Christianity is a very divisive message and it was always meant to be such.
Of course, if you accept that no-one can ever really know what Christ said then you're free to create Christianity in any form you like but that would lead to hundreds of different interpretations, creeds and sects . . . . . .
oh right