I'm listening on youtube the songs from the musical "The Book of Mormon" and I'm having a revelation: the Mormons and the JW have a great lot in common! It's a great show, I think.
The Book of Mormon the musical
by DagothUr 19 Replies latest jw friends
I've always enjoyed talking to Ex-mormons as much as Ex-JW's, it's usually a back and forth about "Did mormons do this?" or "Did JW's do that?" which is usually enlightening.
I heard that the musical was pretty good, it was written by the creators of south park.
Lunatic Faith
Yes, I have been dying to see that show! I think it was my curiousity and research into mormonism that helped me see that JW's arent that different or special.
Broken Promises
I would love to see this show.
Hope it comes to my city.
I have family who are mormons. Ive found alot of similiarities to the JW faith. One of the biggest similarities is the glossing over of their early, ridiculous teachings and foundations.
I actually remember when I was a kid, my dad criticizing and judging them for pressuring their kids into doing the mandatory missionary work.
Lunatic Faith
I once asked my dad, an ex-mormon/JW convert if he ever noticed the similarities between the leadership of the LDS and JW's. CT Russell/Joseph Smith were both really charismatic and deeply loved by their followers. Then they died and men their exact opposite took over: Rutherford/Brigham Young. They were harsher, more dogmatic and as a result a lot of schisms formed.
He told me I was flat out wrong. There were no comparisons and please don't ever bring that up again. Ho hum.
The doctrines are different, but the preaching works seems very similar.
breakfast of champions
So my wife was reading how BOM got all these Tony awards and I said Have you heard any of the songs? I found the opening number "Hello!" on YouTube and played it for her... I would describe her reaction as cautiously amused. What was going thru her mind? Not sure, but I think it got her THINKING.
Do you think 'Book of Mormon' could have any effect on ones still in?
Band on the Run
This month I am going to get tickets to the B'way production. I've seen off Broadway revivals and out of town plays but the original Broadway always seems to be the best. How is the music stripped of narrative? I'm considering purchasing it. Funny, Spiderman was so discussed, everyone is nauseaous. From past experience, I may have to wait a year or two.
Mormons make Witness beliefs look sane but in actual practice I think much of Mormonism is more mainstream. Big Love and wikipedia left me completely confused. My JW parents took us to the Mormon exhibit at the World's Fair. I was so afraid. Every second I thought we would walk out or my father would start preaching and get arrrested.
My best friend got me the cd of the production and I haven't laughed so hard in a long time! The song, I Believe, reminds me of the witnesses.
"I am a Mormon. And a Mormon just believes!"
I could rewrite the lyrics quite easily to match JW doctrine...