The South Park episode on Mormons is worth seeing too:
by DagothUr 19 Replies latest jw friends
The South Park episode on Mormons is worth seeing too:
I have always enjoyed the Mormon Pumperknickel Choir. They can really cut the mustard
Glander....Tastes especially good if spiced with coriantumr.
I liked the southpark episode where all the people are in hell and they are mad. They keep interrupting the orientation meeting, one guy says "but I'm a practising Jehovah's Witness!!" Finally they ask who was right and the hell director says, "Mormon, the correct answer was Mormon," and there is a collective groan.
Here is the clip...
Yes, I believe the ancient tribe of Reuben a had ceremony that involved the sacrifice of a virgin pastrami.
Coriantumr, Coriantor, Coriantum, Corianton, Morianton, Gadianton, Gadiandi, Moriancumer, Moriantum.....Joseph Smith wasn't all that original with the faux "Hebrew" names.
I'm currently hooked on the soundtrack. It is really funny and has very cathy tunes. It is so relatable too. The play will start touring in August. I believe the first stop is Colorado then California where I am. I cannot wait to see it.
I'm in.
Rats Leolaia...not available in Canada.
Absolutely Dagney!