I have just thought of a way to leave Jehovah's Witnesses using information from the new Shepherd the Flock of God book. It's quite simply: rebaptism. Here are the steps:
1) Tell two elders that you want to meet with them.
2) When you meet them, tell them that your conscience has been bothering you for a long time. The reason is that when you listen to new ones who are preparing for baptism, you realize that you got baptized for the wrong motives (to please your parents, to be part of a group of people who impressed you, because a friend got baptized, etc.) and you have realized for a while that YOU NEVER MADE A PERSONAL DEDICATION TO JEHOVAH, even though you told the elders who did the questions with you that you had, and even though you said "Yes" at the baptism questions at the assembly. Your knew that it was a lie, but you were too embarrassed not to get into the pool and to tell the elders about your lie, so you went through with your baptism anyway. Now though, even though many years have past (and you may even have accepted privileges such as pioneer, ministerial servant or elder), you realize that your baptism was not really valid because it was not a symbol of a personal dedication to Jehovah.
3) Tell them that conscientiously, you want to step down from the privileges that you agreed to fraudulently, and that you would like someone to study the Bible with you, using either Keep Yourself in God's Love book.
4) What can the elders say? That you DID make a valid personal dedication in prayer but forgot it? Of course not. Only you know if you made that prayer.
5) Have your study, but start expressing doubts that Jehovah will ever forgive you for your having lied to him.
6) Stop service, go less and less to meetings, gradually skip your study, in other words, gradually drift away, WITHOUT having admitted to any other sin than having lied about having made a dedication years earlier, and without having to write a letter of disassociation.
6) Your Witness relatives and the elders will look on you as just "weak".
7) If they ask you if you still believe the truth, you can say: "Yes, I do, it's just that I realize that I was dishonest with Jehovah and didn't have the right to get baptized because I deceived the elders and deceived myself for so long that Jehovah would accept me anyway, because I served him so faithfully. But now I realize that my status is like any non-baptized Bible student. I will start my study later, but now I need to do some other things first."
8) As long as they don't find out about any sin on your part, they can't disfellowship you. If your wife or husband is still a Witness, tell them: "Honey, just give me time and I will start my study again" (Maybe some of you can think of a better story to tell).
Hope this idea helps those who want to leave painlessly but don't know how.