Thanks guys.
Bandicoot: We're currently in QLD
Magnum: Hey mate! Great to hear from you. Yeah I haven't been keeping up at all. No need to to be honest. Family are a lost cause unfortunately and all our new friends are interested in the overall story of our 'escape' but don't give a shit about the details. I also don't feel it's productive for me to live in the past... already did that. Too many new things I'm eager to discover and learn. But I have huge respect for those that can stay around and help the new ones waking up. Just isn't my path. Plus I've already laid out everything I can offer in my research folders. Have there been any big changes in the last 2 years?
How are things going for you? Hope you're both well.
DoC: Good for you. It's a good place to be (ex-exJW) if you can get there. Hi price to pay, but well worth it in the long run. Awesome to hear about your family doing well. Happy for you both.
Making friends is one of the hardest part of breaking free for sure. Have you considered joining a club (dancing, cars, hiking, meditation, Amazonian poison dart blowing, nudist colony etc...)? It's been an interesting experience for us, trying different friendships on, nurturing those that gel and moving on from other quickly lol. But now we have a great core group of friends that we are starting to build some history with. It takes effort putting yourself out there, but it's well worth it to find your tribe. Traveling sounds good!