What if you admitted you don't mind being destroyed @ Armaggedon?

by Knowsnothing 40 Replies latest jw experiences

  • losthobbit

    nice quote, Oz... you always write intelligent stuff :)

  • carla

    I told my jw I would rather be poofed out of existance than spend an eternity with a bunch of jw's! that would truly be hell for me. Besides, if the dead are supposedly not conscious then I wouldn't care would I?

  • ProdigalSon

    4.6 billion years of evolving for this planet...with all the wars, suffering, triumphs and wonders.....

    ....and it all comes down to a bunch of Pharisees inheriting the earth.

    "Join our cult or else, because we are the only ones worthy."

    What a nice loving Christian attitude.

    It's actually the opposite of what's necessary to 'inherit the earth', which means to ascend with her. Think of the Parable of the Sheep and Goats.

    Which side are the JW's on?

    The right or the left?

  • Ding

    Doesn't it seem strange that a religion that criticizes churches for keeping its people in line through fear of hell keeps its own people in line through fear of annihilation at Armageddon?

    Most churches I know of don't mention hell much if at all, but the WTS can't stop talking about Armageddon.

  • WTWizard

    I did my math, and realized that it was not worth being a witless whether or not they had the truth. I would in fact rather be destroyed at Armageddon than having to live forever with nothing but just plain men, with the opposite sex all destroyed or all miserably uncomfortable on my account (which, by the way, would be a much bigger guilt trip than any hounder could ever give me).

  • Joliette

    It seems weird living forever and ever in a perfect paradise. And science-wise, it doesnt seem like it can happen. ( I could go about how its not possible) And it seems just like a pipe dream.

    The pictures really played on my emotions as a kid.

  • garyboler

    Thats the only way to shut them up. I told them that I would prefer to die with my friends than to give in to such an evil bloodthirsty god.

  • bigmac

    why would god want to destroy me--what have i done?

    actually--its quite easy to destroy god----

    ----just stop believing in it-----go on--try it.

  • What Now?
    What Now?

    It was the actual "being destroyed" part that always terrified me - with Armageddon being depicted so fiery and bloody and violent (ouch!)

  • Maze

    I knew someone who admitted he'd be destroyed at Armageddon at the age of 16. He was into skateboarding and thrash metal and flat out admitted he wasn't interested in serving Jehovah at the time. He said he'd probably “die a skater.” He didn't deny the Truth and he believed in Jehovah.

    It seems the people that will be destroyed are those that overtly deny the Truth and reject Jehovah. No one here is in agreement with the reality of God. It's just mass confusion from a bunch of cowards.

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