How are our friends in ChristChurch?
by tenyearsafter 26 Replies latest jw friends
Sorry...posted before I was done. I just heard on the news that ChristChurch was hit by several large earthquakes...hope everyone is ok!
Thanks for asking TYA . . . no fatalities . . . about 45 injuries . . . many of the damaged buildings in the red zone (CBD - cordoned off since Feb 22nd Quake) have collapsed as a result of today . . . more liquefaction and rockslides in the hills.
Here's the seismometer drum . . . it's in real time and updates automatically.
Here's some piccies from today . . .
The city is actually undergoing a slow death . . . over 7000 quakes since last September
Wow guys must be getting very tired of this day in day out! I live in So. California, so we are no strangers to seismic activity, but this just has to be wearing you down. I hope you and your family are safe and get some relief soon from all the rocking and rolling!!
My goodness, Sizemik, that really brings reality right in front of us.
I thought of you as soon as I heard the news, because I had a feeling you're in Christchurch. Is that right?
Those cars look as though they've sunk right into solid ground.
Broken Promises
Thinking of you all in Christchurch and sending positive vibes to you.
If you need anything from your Aussie cousins let us know.
Yeah, I think I'm the only current poster from SI New Zealand. Liquefaction is a problem here because the central city is on very soft sediment. Hence the odd car goes sub-terranian.
Just got another hefty shock (4.7) as you posted . . . should appear on the drum (above at the bottom of graph) shortly.
Blessings and peace to you, Size, and all others who are undergoing hardships.
I'm so sorry.
We are all fine here . . . we're kinda used to staying safe . . . as safe as you can be anyway. Thanks heaps everyone . . . it's nice to be remembered at times like this.
fortis et liber
Glad to hear your OK sizemik; that liquefaction sounds like real scary stuff !
~ fortis