After seeing some vids and links yesterday about the Society's intrest in Hedge Funds, as well as being in the United Way (they have a code for donations thru the United Way) I decided to search the WT CD to see if anything negative was said about either. Look what I found;
From the 2/15/1972 Watchtower
"However, you may feel that even though your church does not follow God's Word in every respect, it does teach fine things. But, then, do not even the worst criminals often do many many things that are good - donating to charities, supporting projects for community improvement, and so forth? Yet, they are criminals. So, too, a religious organization may appear good - doing and saying certain things taught in the Bible - but if it does not believe and faithfully adhere to all (there italics not mine) the teachings of God's Word, does God approve of it?"
I literally laughed out loud when I read that. So many negative things they say can be said about themselves and its as if the writers do not pay attention to what they're even saying. Its amazing. Even I know not to bash someone for doing something that I myself have done or doing.