Next time someone says "as JWs were all imperfect but it's still God's Organization"....

by RagingBull 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tuesday

    My response to this is:
    "What a coincidence, this is the way I feel about the Catholic church. Even though they're imperfect men they have the lineage to be God's organization."

    Ususally it continues with

    "But they teach many false teachings."
    "Have the Jehovah's Witnesses ever changed their teachings because it's wrong?"
    "So they could be teaching something wrong right now?"
    "So Jehovah's Witnesses have many false teachings?"
    "No, what we have now is the closest thing to truth."
    "What a coincidence, what the Catholics have right now is the closest thing to truth."
    "Don't you want those teachings to change."
    "Sure, don't you want your false teachings to change?"
    "Yes, but we can't go ahead of Jehovah."
    "Exactly, we'll have to wait on the lord for those changes."

    It frustrates the hell out of them.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    whats the 'united way' reference about?

    and thats a great WT quote...


  • MrMonroe

    You just can't argue with a sick mind.

    Jeez, Joe Walsh made some disappointing albums in his time, didn't he? And that was one of them. Sorry, just an aside. Please continue.

  • Scully

    a religious organization may appear good - doing and saying certain things taught in the Bible - but if it does not believe and faithfully adhere to all (there italics not mine) the teachings of God's Word, does God approve of it?"

    By "all", did you mean the parts about looking after orphans and widows, feeding the poor, and helping the homeless?? You know, the things that the WTS feels are not worthy of their effort.....

  • Scully

    Aussie Oz

    United Way is a HUGE charitable organization that, in turn, funds other charitable organizations. Many employers will facilitate employee donations to United Way through payroll deduction programs, and individuals can choose a directed donation - they state which charity they want to support and their money is supposed to go directly to that charity.

    The WTS has jumped on this bandwagon by telling JWs that they can participate in this payroll deduction program through United Way, so long as they earmark their donations to go to the WTS.

  • MrMonroe

    a religious organization may appear good - doing and saying certain things taught in the Bible - but if it does not believe and faithfully adhere to all (there italics not mine) the teachings of God's Word, does God approve of it?"

    That statement also ignores, of course, the plain truth that some religious organizations then add to the teachings of God's word with their own teachings and requirements, instructing members what they must do and cannot do:

    • Forbidding certain medical treatments;
    • Requiring family members be shunned for leaving a religious denomination or attending another church;
    • Emotionally blackmailing members with the threat of shunning;
    • Burdening members with a requirement to go door to door to distribute religious literature despite the patent lack of effectiveness of that practice;
    • Forbidding the celebration of a person's birth;
    • Forbidding the singing of national anthems;
    • Forbidding the reading of certain books because they were written by former members of that religion;
    • Punishing members who question, or disagree with, man-made religious doctrines .....

    .... does God approve of such things?

  • Joliette

    I HATE when the JW's say that. I cannot stand it!!!!!

    Imperfect my ASS!!!

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