Outrageous Omission – Blood

by Marvin Shilmer 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    Outrageous Omission – Blood

    Today I uploaded an article I have worked on for some time. It expounds and illustrates a revolting habit Watchtower has of refraining from wide distribution of life-saving information clearly and promptly. It includes snippets from medical articles that are current and yet not yet completely available in digital format, which makes them harder for researchers to find.

    I hope readers appreciate this information, and take time to share it far and wide for sake of Jehovah’s Witnesses everywhere, and for sake of doctors who do their very best to treat these under the circumstances of Watchtower’s perilous blood doctrine.

    My article is titled Outrageous Omission – Blood and is available at: http://marvinshilmer.blogspot.com/2011/06/outrageous-omission-blood.html

    This information is very important. Please help keep this discussion up front and center.

    Marvin Shilmer


  • snowbird

    Outrageous, indeed!

    I think WT's hope is that this issue will simply go away.


  • baltar447

    WTF? Why in the world would they wait YEARS to tell the R&F about this? It's criminal the way they hold people's lives hostage to their every breath. This scripture DEFINATELY applies to their collective asses:

    (Matthew 23:4) . . .They bind up heavy loads and put them upon the shoulders of men, but they themselves are not willing to budge them with their finger. . .

  • free @ last
    free @ last

    Thanks Marvin

    But what an outrage

    I know one of the 'Bethel heavies' whose wife died some years ago from TTP... she was a sweet woman... too bad this 'new light' didn't come in time for her.

    All I can say is thank god (and thank apostasy) that I'm Free @ Last

  • Iconoclast

    Why would they hide this from the R&F unless it was to cover their asses in court should someone die of lack of medical care?

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    Snowbird writes:

    “I think WT's hope is that this issue will simply go away.”

    I think you are correct, and I also think that Watchtower’s highest echelon decided in the mid-1980s that the whole doctrine had to go away and accordingly constructed an infrastructure to stage it down. The center of this infrastructure is Watchtower’s department of Hospital Information Services, which became operational in or near 1988. This department has been busy over the years reducing the number of horror stories hitting public view by working behind the scenes with doctors and Witness patients explaining all the stuff from blood they can give and/or take. Watchtower’s position over the last decade is an absolute deconstruction of any sane notion that Witnesses “abstain from blood”. They do not; Watchtower’s governing body knows it; and Watchtower’s Governing Body approves it.

    In other words, back in the 1980s Watchtower’s Governing Body ceased believing its own doctrinal position that Christians must abstain from blood.

    baltar447 writes:

    “Why in the world would they wait YEARS to tell the R&F about this?”

    Because Watchtower is in the religion business where information control and flow is the life-blood. Watchtower has built many converts on the notion of “abstain from blood”. To too overtly share a revelation that Witnesses can consume massive chunks from blood would effectively dismantle the base of fanatics constructed on the “abstain from blood” precept by Watchtower.

    Free @ last writes:

    “I know one of the 'Bethel heavies' whose wife died some years ago from TTP.”

    I’d love to learn more about that. Would you mind sharing which “Bethel Heavy” had a wife who died of TTP?

    Iconoclast writes:

    “Why would they hide this from the R&F”

    Because, so far, Watchtower has not found a way to explain to the rank and file community of Witnesses that accepting 50% of the content of whole blood is an act of ‘abstaining from blood’. Think about it. Would you want to be the elder explaining this from the platform at a local kingdom hall?

    All Readers:

    I am not sure the average reader fully grasps the importance of getting this information out about cryosupernatant for patients who are Jehovah’s Witnesses and for the children of Witnesses.

    There are Witness patients right now whose health and/or life could be protected by administration of this product. Watchtower is not clarifying this for sake of the wider Witness community. Those of us with firsthand experience and understanding and this religious community can do much good by learning of and spreading this information. If for no other reason, for the children. What if it were your child?

    Please take a few moments to learn about this subject and share what you learn.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • trevor

    As the Society have changed their mind on so many other verses of scripture, and applied the scriptures on this matter in so many different ways, perhaps they will change their mind on this issue completely. If they do, it will be of no comfort to the relatives of those who have died as a result of their ruling.

    More critically for the Society, these changes further undermine their claim that they have been appointed by holy spirit to dispense accurate knowledge which they insist the members eternal lives depend upon. By making the Bible’s comments on the use of animal blood into a law regarding the life-saving use of human blood, have they carried out their “duty of care” towards their members?

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    Those are very good observations and questions!

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    The Society here has a dog by its proverbial ears (Prov. 26:17). It seems they're keenly intent on making their anti-abstention policies go away somehow; but if they overtly "free the dog" it will bite them mightily in the posterior, provoking in all porbability an avalanche of law suits and adverse publicity.

    These policies came into effect when the Society had far fewer assets; it seems most if not all of their current policies, from the 1985 change in baptismal vows, to the creation of satellite corporations, the institutionalized pretense that local congregations are autonomous, etc. have but one agenda: asset preservation.

    Marvin, heartfelt thanks for calling this to our attention; it's a thread that deserved to be revisited regularly and bumped up to the top of the queue.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Thank you Marvin. Amen to your comment: This information is very important. Please help keep this dicussion up front and center.

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