JW GoneBad,
Thanks for revitalizing this subject. It is very troubling to know Watchtower doctrine lets Witnesses accept transfusion of cryosupernatant but has never published this for general consumption.
That Watchtower does not want this advertised is demonstrated by Watchtower taking time (finally, after six years!) to explain that Witnesses can accept transfusion of hemoglobin oxygen carrying agents but has yet to explain that Witnesses can accept cryosupernatant. These hemoglobin based oxygen carriers are experimental! But cryosupernatant has been around as a useful medicinal agent for years!!!
I beg folks again to get the word out! The life you save may be closer to you than you might suspect! But even if it’s a child far away that you’ll never know of, its worth your time to spread the word. This is rare knowledge even among medical clinicians.
Marvin Shilmer