At least the Spelling Mansion in LA finally sold for it's asking price of 150 million and JP Morgan Chase has reported record profits. How bad can things be?
They are stuffing their pockets with our tax dollars and with debt that our children and grandchildren will have to pay for. We are being enslaved by debt and inflation is raising the prices of everything and destroying the value of our savings. We will be taxed to death to pay for this (while they get special tax treatment). GE got billions in our money, has billions in record profits, but paid no tax last year. The GE CEO sits in the White House. The Treasury Secretary is a tax cheat. Taxes are for the little people. The Chairsatan of the Federal Reserve is destroying our currency, and will put us in the poorhouse.
The Prez said he was going to spread the wealth around. Yeah right. In fact he is. This regime is picking our pockets and giving it to the banksters, it is no different than what we had before under Bush. The Constitution is dead. There is no Law. They get unconstitutional bailouts, but the middle class gets stagflation, taxes, and misery. This can't last forever.