My Last Thread
by Maze 77 Replies latest forum announcements
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Like the "Last Days" days, I think there are too many "Last Thread" threads.
I'm personally glad this prick is gone, although why he/she/it felt the need to "announce" their departure I'll never know.
What do you want us to do? Send the "love" of JWN back to the North Dickhead Congregation? Get lost and go back to judging the rest of mankind while knocking on their doors, you idiot.
Tell the rest of your cultist friends Reality79 sends them the middle finger.
LOL @ Reality79.
Wish you all the best, but know that your association with this destructive cult identifies you as a sharer in its blood guilt and a special judgement awaits you.
My interest in posting here has deadened lately. This will likely be my last thread. Initially I participated here because I was interested in sharpening my perception against opposing points of view. Jehovah really doesn't recommend the use of channels such as this for such purposes. . . . Maze
Well . . . it seems the interest has had a resurrection; Maze is not good at picking future events (no surprise there); Her perception has lost it's edge; And Jehovah can suck eggs.
Good on ya Maze!
It's good that Maze is back. Gotta have someone to take out our frustration on- it stop us fighting each other!
Does anyone know what username the latest generation of maze is using now?