Please Read These Two Chapters ...

by snowbird 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • journey-on

    Sorry....for some reason this topic has my interest, so I'll post another thought I found odd/funny.

    Ishmael was bragging to Isaac one day about his circumcision, telling Isaac that he was only thirteen when it was done to him. (Sounds like a couple of brothers trying to out-boast the other.)Isaac told him more or less, 'what's a little bit of flesh? I'm willing to give my whole body'. This made me think about Jaheshua and the Jews. They liked to brag about their "chosen-ness" by means of their circumcision, yet Jaheshua was willing to offer up his entire Life.

  • botchtowersociety

    And Abraham said within himself, How shall I separate my son Isaac from Sarah his mother, in order to bring him up for a burnt offering before the Lord?

    This account of Sarah makes me think of Mother Mary.


  • journey-on

    I have recently begun an extensive study of my genealogy and am finding it fascinating. I find myself wishing that more written documentation had been saved regarding my ancestors. I have an old family Bible close to 100 years old that has a section for recording births, deaths, and events, and I have been slowly deciphering some of the listings in it. Just today I found a tidbit of information scribbled on a corner on the back page that fit perfectly into a piece of the puzzle I have been working on! I hesitate to handle it now because of its fragility and keep it wrapped to preserve it.

    I used to get bored with the "begets and begots" listed in the bible, but now I believe there is a reason we should KNOW for a certainty what our family tree is all about and who the individuals are that brought us to this birth (us) at this time (now). I think there is some deeply significant importance to having this information. So, the first text in Jasher minutely detailing the genealogy fascinates me.

  • snowbird

    Thanks BTS, for your input.

    That was so poignant, Abraham's thinking of Sarah before himself.

    Also, another thing that used to puzzle me greatly is the Bible's account of Abraham's grief over Sarah's death.

    To me, it seemed a bit much for a man of such outstanding faith.

    Now, it makes much more sense.

    I like how The Book of Jasher acts as a filler to some of the Biblical accounts.

    Reading on, you will note that the age of each patriarch is given at his death.

    Awesome stuff.

    JO, I'm researching my ancestry, also. The information is very scanty, though.


  • snowbird

    Finished the entire book - 91 chapters.

    Some things that semi-shocked me:

    Deborah was 10 years old when she married Isaac.

    Simeon married his sister, Dinah.

    That kind of explains his explosive rage at Shechem and their wiping out of the male population while they were recovering from being circumcised.

    Benjamin got married at age 10.

    I am still digesting the information.


  • snowbird

    OK, one more tidbit, and maybe I'll let it go.

    The Apostle Paul referenced Jannes and Jambres at 2 Timothy 3:8.

    These two were Pharoah's priests who challenged Moses and Aaron.

    The Book of Jasher reveals that Balaam was their papa!

    Yeah, that Balaam, whose donkey kept him from certain death by the hand of God's angel.


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