I'm done with this crap. I have to do this for me. I have a wonderful life but the last few months have been hell. I need the formality of a disassociation letter to my old cong. Please someone send me a template ASAP. I am very sure of what I am doing!!!
I am disassociating! I need a template for the letter ASAP!!!
by scooterspank 22 Replies latest watchtower bible
White Dove
Hopefully, that will shut your mom up.
Wished I could do one to shut up my dad.
I just mean hope it works to stop her from preaching at you and just being a WT pain to you.
I lived 18 years away from this insanity. I can't keep pacifying them by not saying too much. I'm done. My mother wailing and crying the night she got home from the assembly made me lose it, especially when she told me I was going to die. Great! Thanks mom!!! And I guess my poor father who faded years ago is now something of a burden to her. She loves him, will be a good wife and care for him, but........He's as good as dead too. Nice!
Can I please get a template?!?!?!
White Dove
My guess is that most of the posters are in America or Canada and are sleeping.
BTTT tomorrow for more people to answer.
There are some really good ones from posters who DA'd.
Sure wished this was the time for me to do so.
To the elders of .........congregation
From: Scootersbank
Subject: Disassociation Letter
I would like to inform you that with this letter I'm officially disassociating my self from Watchtower Society Organization, known as Jehovahs Witnesses.
I no longer wish to be part of your Organization, and I demand that all my personal files that are kept in your Kingdom Hall and at WT's headquarters to be erased.
Be sure to put in a line telling them NOT to contact you or they'll be around wanting a judicial hearing as if they had some sort of actual legal power
Witness My Fury
Agreed, short and to the point is fine, or you can go hell for leather and write a 15 page dissertation on the evils of being a JW, ... it's your choice.
Key points:
Letter must be dated
Letter must be signed by you and be clearly stated as from you
Letter must state that you no longer wish to be known as a Jehovahs Witness (if it's a long rant, then get these points on the top of the 1st page, rant can follow)
Send it signed for delivery method, or hand deliver it to an Elder in your old cong. After reciept of it they may well get in touch with you just to confirm these ARE in fact YOUR wishes. This is fair tbh as unless you hand deliver it person they need confirmation that you actually wrote it and sent it (instead of an unbeliving parent for example).
On a side note... Why can't you DISCUSS this situation and the guilt and fear and manipulation your mother is doing to you, .. with your mother? If you can do this and likely it will need to be more than once as she will regress, then you may find she can clam down and gradually accept where you are in your life. Tricky I know.
I dissociated and later regretted it because I have so many relatives in the truth. I have generally decided it is best to move away and then be "inactive." That way, you don't run into the family issues. But still, it was nice to have a clean break and ultimately it is sweet not to have to deal with the witnesses at all. At one point, I felt I disfellowshipped them instead of the other way around.
I hope I'm not out of line to say that this is a critical decision not to be made in haste. There are pros and cons for this decision.
You say you have made up your mind. I totally relate to the need for a clean break.
Best wishes to you for whatever you do.
But I think the WTS requires the brothers to come by to talk to you for one final visit to officially get word from you that this is your decision and you understand that by dissociating yourself also means you will be considered disfellowshipped. They will try to talk you out of it, of course. But if you don't have a lot of relatives in the truth and at this point you're just sick to death of anything "Watchtower" like I am, it feels great to mentally be totally free with a clean break.
I've enjoyed being out. Seems like the air is cleaner to breathe when you are officially outYou know, you get the feeling that you are getting the filth washed off--you know, when you just want to take a clean shower and wash all the dirt off. So it truly does feel good to make that clean break, which is how I think you feel.
Broken Promises
Don't bother putting in your reasons why you believe the WTS is wrong. The elders won't bother reading it.
Just state that you no longer want to be a JW, sign and date it, and post/deliver it.
And have a great life!