This week, our C.O. is visiting the cong. Great. How was the TMS&Service night?
Here's what I got out of it...
Talk #3 - Romans (forgot the Chapter/verse) to Phlp 2:12, "One must WORK OUT THEIR SALVATION with FEAR AND TREMBLING". The "free gift" God gives is life, but he does not give it to everyone that believes in the gospel. There is a "REASON" behind someone giving a gift to another person. We have to continue serving out in the ministry and doing all that Jehovah and His Son commands in order to gain that Free Gift of Everlasting Life.
yadda yadda....
C.O.'s talk? - Mentioned that the Jehovah's Witnesses are the only religion that's actually "made changes" publicly in fact. (he said publicly) I immediately thought about the "Church of God" (if that's correct) who basically had a documentary about the affects of the change in their belief system and not holding on to Old Testament teachings so much since Christ made it absolete. Basically, he was saying not to worry about questions concerning false prophecies because we don't go by them anymore. (Awesome excuse. Wait did we just apostasize ourselves from the Russell and even Rutherford teachings?)
Also he mentioned the importance of the Field Ministry (of course) and how the Good News of the Kingdom has indeed been preached to every Nation. (so of course everyone is thinking..."and then the end will come! we better get on the ball!") He spoke of an experience out in service with a woman who new her Bible so well but believed in the Trinity. ( I know some people do believe in the "God Head" where Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit are ONE, yet they are "different personalities" that serve different purposes. Of course many JWs never think of that line of thought and Many people I've met that believe this way don't use the word or like the word "TRINITY". I guess the concept is similar to a Governing Body. One Body made up of different personalities/personages. whatever.)
So after knocking all of that out and downing other religions meeting was over.