The world is changing. Where do you see Religion, God, Spiritual faith science, as we transition and World Power shifts? Five years from now, ten years, twenty?.....Please remember Civility is the word of the day, no ad hominems....
by Quentin 13 Replies latest watchtower bible
Pretty much where we are today. I do believe in divine intervention; just not in my lifetime. Most likely not in my childrens' lifetime. That being so, I shall live well & enjoy life.
compound complex
Hi Quentin:
The only thing I can say for sure on your questions is that I see myself changing. That transformation from within is based on my reading and utilizing correct, available information on any given subject. What an awakening! Of course, let the reader beware ... You can't believe everything you read.
I've always been given to interest in the supernatural and fables and mythology. But even the most extraordinary events and "unsolvable" mysteries have a probable explanation, though one hidden to mankind. My current reading of what bonafide historians and researchers say about the origins of religion is so totally different from what the Society taught me that I honestly feel I'm starting all over.
More later ... probably.
Pretty much where we are today.....mrquik...
I feel, depending on one's vantage point, we are on the cusp of a 500 yr. cycle of world change. The balance of power is shifting. Having no crystal ball in which to gaze I have no idea how it will shift. Rapidly ( 5 yrs ), or slower paced ( 20 yrs ). The world as we know it will peak, slump and rebuild. It will not be the same. There is no "where we are today" ever.
The only thing I can say for sure on your questions is that I see myself changing.....Yes, myself as well.
My current reading of what bona-fide historians and researchers say about the origins of religion is so totally different from what the Society taught me that I honestly feel I'm starting all over......Ah yes, welcome to reality and truly starting over. .... What the society has taught, past, present and in future is distorted with no basis in reality whatever. There teachings are akin to tossing a needle from a plane at 10,000 feet, parachuting out and searching for said needle when you hit the ground. The wt teaches unbridled fabrication. Pulling from thin air whatever the flavor of the day is, new light all the way...
I feel a shift is coming, and we are going to evolve to a new level of consciousness.
Will that increase religious belief? I think not. Why? Because humans will no longer feel the urge to figure out where we come from - the science of physics has made some recent changes in thinking which are very promising in such explanations.
If we (humans) can only expand our horizons, and realize that we limit ourselves by believing that all that exists is bound by what we now know, this shift will happen more quickly. (eg. look at how medicine changed once we 'discovered' that many diseases were caused by viruses, and germs)
Our conceit is our greatest barrier to learning (just like the JWs).
I was at a Witness Wedding in late 1969 and an old anointed brother got up on the Stage during the Reception and gave a 20 minute talk on The World,The Flesh and The Devil...........after he was done ranting no one felt like having sex for a month
...........after he was done ranting no one felt like having sex for a month ......Heh, Heh, can only imagine what he had to say...
Our conceit is our greatest barrier to learning (just like the JWs)....Agree...
.... Zionist occult elite power group... difficult for me to read past a comment such as this...........
Interesting thread Quentin, I wonder too if CoCo is not on to something, are we not a microcosm of what will happen?
We emerged from the bubble of intellectual falsehood and false reasoning and history that was the WT/JW's into a world where we could freely educate ourselves, and learn to shed all the old nonsense, including superstitious belief.
Surely as the world gets connected to the Internet this will happen to individuals more and more, ghettos of ignorance like the W.T and Islam etc. will become a laughing stock, hence we will have a more mature world, where problems can be resolved sensibly perhaps.
I am optimistic the world will be a better place in the decades to come, not least because the demise of religious hegemony, due to the spread of knowledge, will change the hearts of people, compassion will grow.
wobble: Many of us are a microcosm, as is CoCo, educating ourselves away from intellectual falsehood, false reasoning and the convoluted history of the jw world view, along with its superstitious belief. Yet, I do not share your optimistic view, so much the better word than saying faith. Not that there is a shortage of like minded folks who do have inter-net access. My fear is we are tumbling down a hill, quickly, toward a coming Dark Age, as the light of Western Civilization grows dim and flickers out, more the worse for us and our way of life. Allowing superstitious religious hegemony to hold sway, wt/jw, or otherwise over us.
We are at a tipping point where power, prestige, our science and place in the world is, after that long 500 year climb, shifting to another part of the globe. Leaving us in the dust of the hinterlands. We may not live to see it, our grand-children will. Bare in mind I am no prophet. I pay attention to trends, we are trending that direction. Pessimistic I know, yet inviting other's thoughts and comments.