I've been slowly but surely and intentionally fading over the last 5 years. It started with me stopping going in service. Then I stopped commenting. I removed meself from the ministry school and now only go to meetings sporadically. I go because I love my wife and children. My children are very young but my wife is still very much controlled by the borg. I don't want my wife to think I've completely abondoned her.
What is maddening is that my wife pleads with me to return to Jehovah and that the witnesses have the only truth that matters. The maddening part is that my wife is a blind follower. She can't explain why she believes in 607BC as the fall of Jerusalem, but she believes it because she is told to. She believes that Christ came back invisibly in 1914 because that is what she is told to believe. She simply follows everything she is told to follow without an understanding......she just trusts it to be true.
Last year she challenged me to "look up" the issues that I struggle with.....apparently sure that I would see how right the Watchtower Society is. And then we would talk about those issues. I informed her that I would do that. I also informed her that I would not let anythign stop me from conducting a true investigation (i.e. I don't care if the material is considered "apostate"or not.....all I care about is factual information. It does not matter who writes it). She was not happy but finally accepted it.
It should be noted that when I talk with her about all these issues....she has also requested that we have a three way discussion with her elder father. She is sure that he can help me "see the light". I am yet to agree to this as I feel that my findings will be a self incriminating free ticket to disfellowshipping and a subsequent guarantee that my life will be a hell of a lot more difficult after that (family/shunning/etc)
She has agreed that she would do some research as well. Although it certainly won't start until I present my findings. I at least got her to agree to look at some sources outside of the society publications....but she doesn't want to touch "apostate material".
8 months later I am on page 190 (single spaced) of a letter to her that explains my feelings and hits many topics I don't agree with straight on the head. Much of my information would found on apostate websites. Some was from Carl Olof Jonsson. Some from Ray Franz. Some from Steven Hassan. Etc. Some was from my own newly cleansed and objective brain. My hope is that if it is in letter form (although giving references) from me to her.....perhaps she will actually read it. I think I may be able to succeed if I can throw in facts taken from unapproved sources....as opposed to saying "here...look at all these facts in this book by this apostate author". And when she disagrees.......then I would beg her to do whatever research is necessary to prove it wrong.
I want to be pointed and honest (because trust me.....this woman appreciates honesty more than anything) but not overbearing or pushy with the topics in my letter. Therefore....one by one....if you all would be so kind....I'd like to post the topics I've written for your critiquing. I want to make an impression and cause her to think (because she has agreed to do so) but I don't want it to hit so hard that she starts blocking.
I sincerely appreciate everyone's responses