What The Hell...my JW ex-wife just knocked on my door in field service...

by unshackled 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • unshackled

    So get this...this is one strange occurrence that almost ended in awkward disaster. So I took the week off from work to do some home reno projects. This morning I was doing some yard work and just finished mowing the front yard. Done with the yard I decided to take a quick shower.

    I was stripped down to the skin when I remembed the freshly washed towels were in the dryer downstairs. So I was just turning the corner to head down the stairs, where our front door is, and heard a knock. Being buck naked I quietly slammed on the brakes and ducked back in the hallway out of sight.

    Immediately I thought it might be JWs...so waited out the obligatory follow-up knock. Then I realized I forgot I had left the front door open for some fresh air! I could hear them whisper to each other but couldn't make it out even though they were 15 ft away. Still holding my breath I could finally hear them walk away after the 2nd knock. Curious to see who it was...I slipped into the kitchen and peaked out the window.

    It was my ex-wife and a little girl! Seriously...my frickin ex-wife. I damn well came within seconds of meeting them face-to-face heading down the stairs, while being full on naked with my white apostate bits out for all to see. Think that would've been awkward?

    There's more....my ex-wife is pregnant. She's huge. She looks like she's ready to burst any minute, and has that awkward pregnant waddle. Weird moment to see your ex-wife out knocking on doors and to see she is pregnant. She's a door-knocker and has another ready to pop out to knock on more doors. Damn those Dubs...wish they'd stop having babies.

    So that's that, my Friday morning while on vacation. But what are the odds though? Anyone else ever have their Ex knock on their door in FS? And while you're naked?

    One more thing...they went back to a grey minivan that I recognized as possibly being her older brother's. If so, think that means they now have this territory. So I may be getting more future visits from ex in-laws or the ex-wife. Great. Just great. Security has been breached, may be time to move.

  • LostGeneration

    Now thats gotta be a bit of a coincidence. Better run out and buy some Powerball tickets!

    Move? That's a bit much! Aren't you completely out? Anyway, if they try to come by again maybe a threatening letter to the hall with "no trespassing" in big red letters will keep them off of your property.

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    Does she know you live there? How long since you seen her?

    Think About It

  • RagingBull

    I would've answered the door in a towel or something. And say "I remember yoooou! NOT INTERESTED!!!" LOL

  • ABibleStudent

    Hi unshackled, funny story! You are lucky that your ex-wife didn't see you naked. She might have reported you to the police. Since she doesn't know that you live there, you can always put a JW repellant door knocker on your front door when you do not want to be disturbed. Although the "1914 Generation that shall not pass" doctrine is old "light", it should keep JWs away.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


    May 1984 Watchtower

  • Scully

    I was going to say she probably was checking up on you to see if you were involved with someone else so as to expedite a relationship with another JW... but I guess she already has that covered.

  • nugget

    I would write to the local hall and tell them you want to be a do not call. You don't want ex relatives calling on you it is just annoying.

    Other than that it was very funny but you shouldn't be a prisoner in your own home.

  • Iconoclast

    Does she know you live in the area? How weird is that? I'm afraid I would have felt obliged to answer the door.

  • sir82

    It's a sign from Jehovah! He's calling you back!

    Any such coincidence must unequivocally be the sign of angelic direction. It's the only conceivable explanation.

  • hotchocolate

    Haha - great story... just as well she had a kid with her... otherwise you could have flashed the white bits and sent her into an early labour... another dub bub with a 37% chance of sticking with it... good odds :-)

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