Joining the Military. :D

by lucky1rish 17 Replies latest jw experiences

  • lucky1rish

    So, I am in my early 20's. I'm a firefighter, an EMT, and HAZMAT Technician (those guys that take care of Chemical Accidents), and I'm wanting more of a challenge in my line of work. I've always loved saving people, I keep calm in frantic situations and I love the Challenges. So, I've decided to Join the Navy with the ambition of going into the Aviation Rescue Swimmer rate. (I'd be the guy jumping out of the helicopters to save people that were washed over board, trapped in floods, get injured soldiers or what have you) the emphasis is still on life saving. And it's a very stable job money wise.

    I haven't been to a meeting in a few years, I'm marrying a non-JW, and most of my time is dedicated to the physical prerequisites that the navy has set forth for me to meet before I can be accepted into the program. Now, My Grandmother is the level of JW that all JW's hope to aspire to someday. She's pretty much has already disowned me.

    My father and mother on the other hand are kinda JW's. They're JW's when it suits their needs pretty much. So aside from me getting the 3rd degree for marrying for love rather than religion they do not know that I am planning on finalizing everything with the NAVY a week after our honeymoon.

    Any comments or ideas on how to break the news to them?

  • Iconoclast

    And it may be added that our (Lucky Irish is my bro) father FREAKS the fugg out and health issues so any heart attack enducing advice need not apply.

  • Iconoclast

    * and has health issues. Derrr.....

  • carla

    I wish you all the best! and thank you in advance for serving!

    Just tell your dad what your military occupation will be and how could he have a problem with it unless he is feeling particularly dubby that day? even if he has a problem, and he will, what can be done about it anyway? so he freaks out? he will either get over it or not, not much you can do about it. It is your life and it sounds like you will be well suited for your new job!

    Just tell him you love him and understand his reservations but there is nothing he can say or do to change your mind and you hope he will support you in your decision to save lives. Yeah, he will say the dubs 'save lives' everyday but..... does he? really? how so? Anyway this is not about him or his on again off again faith, this is about you and your new life with your lovely new bride. Congratulations by the way!

    You & your new bride will have much support in the Navy & Navy families, they are generally very tightknit and look out for each other.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    No real advice sorry, just posted to say, you lucky bastard! Wish I'd left this stupid cult in my early 20s instead of in my early 40s, then i could of had the kind of life expectations you now have in front of you!

    I assume you were baptised? If you managed to be soon marrying a non JW without getting into difficulties with the elders and you haven't been to meetings in a few years it could be you are off the radar. Keep yourself to yourself. Only tell them when it's too late to do anything about it, and hopefully by then they will realise it aint worth running to the elders to try and talk you out of it or else "discipine" you.

    I wish you well in your freedom.

  • moshe

    It's only embarassing to the family that has to explain why you did it to other JWs- if you can make up some sort of temporary fib to get them over the hump with the JWs, it might help- like you're joing the military because your wife needs expensive medical treatments. If they shun you anyway, it won't matter that you made up a story.

  • lucky1rish

    We would be off the radar but for some reason, my grandmother keeps having the elders show up at our door several times a month to "encourage" us. She won't talk to us but she gets the elders to.

  • FirstLastName

    I have a brother in the military - so first off - thank you for your service ! Second off, my brother also had a hard time breaking it to the family. My mom took it especially hard. She came to me crying that "your little brother is going to war ! He has to kill people!" ( she is a little high strung) (Not trying to shock you there by that statement, and although broad - even though you will be saving lives - you will always be a solider first.)

    I explained to my mom that not everyone believes what you believe and that if we did not have people that went into our military, she would not have the freedoms she has. I emphisized that my brother was a "good kid" and that she raised us well.

    I was not there when my brother broke it to my family, but he invited his recruiter over to explain to them the benifits and realities of it and perhaps this may help.

    I think carla (above) explained it very well. I wish you and your soon to be bride the very best. Your country thanks you.

  • lucky1rish

    Thank you, everyone, for your advice. I understand that no matter how I word this, it still will not be easy. I've pretty much accepted the "what happens, happens" frame of mind. I will still love my family even if they segregate themselves from me. In the end, I will always be there for them whether they want me there or not.

    I will keep you all posted on what is going on, and the drama that is sure to ensue. :P

    Right now though most of my time is dedicated to my soon to be bride and the PT training which is alot of running and swimming. Plus mire fire dept responsibilities and my other full time job, everything feels quite hectic at the moment.

  • WhatWasIThinking

    None of my family is in so I can't give you any advice other than to say be safe and thank you for your service.

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