Joining the Military. :D

by lucky1rish 17 Replies latest jw experiences

  • andys

    I am now 33 yrs old but in high school i took the ASVAB test and the navy wanted me since I am good with electronics, now I am working a janitorial type job barely making ends meet, i really wish i would have known about the borg when I was younger would have been alot further ahead on things.

  • ABibleStudent

    Thank you in advance luckyIrish for serving in the Navy, and congratulations on getting engaged/married. Is the Coast Guard viewed the same as the Navy by JWs? Just a thought that the Coast Guard Search/Rescue might be more palatable to your parents. You could rent the movie "Guardian" with Kevin Costner and Ashton Kutcher to show your parents that you would only be saving people and not shooting them.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • WhatWasIThinking

    Coast Guard is still military so it's still a big no-no.

  • luna2

    I'd say that by your choice of training, you've given them sort of an "out". You'll be doing rescue primarily, so they won't have get all stressed that you'll be in a regular unit that will be firing at humans. At least it might make them feel a bit better that you will be doing lifesaving type work in the military. You'll probably get all the junk about how you could be doing "real" lifesaving work by knocking on doors trying to sell WTS magazines and collect bible studies, but just smile and nod and be non commital and you should be able to brush by that. Mostly, they'll need time to process your choices and hopefully will come to terms with the fact that you are an adult and can make your own choices. Good luck to you!

  • Quandry


    I'm a firefighter, an EMT, and HAZMAT Technician (those guys that take care of Chemical Accidents), and I'm wanting more of a challenge in my line of work. I've always loved saving people, I keep calm in frantic situations and I love the Challenges. So, I've decided to Join the Navy with the ambition of going into the Aviation Rescue Swimmer rate. (I'd be the guy jumping out of the helicopters to save people that were washed over board, trapped in floods, get injured soldiers or what have you) the emphasis is still on life saving. And it's a very stable job money wise.

    You have already said it quite eloquently here. As a parent, I can tell you that I would be proud-even if the dub in me had to hold back because of the WT mindset. You have developed goals that are lofty and are following them. I hope your wife to be is fully supportive, as you will need all you can get. Go forward, hold your head high, and don't look back worried that any JW has issues with your career, as your training will require all your attention without added stress.

    Please let us know of your progress!

  • Gayle

    proud to see ones like you moving on and doing a positive work and with consideration of truly helping people and having a healthy productive life. Thank you and many best wishes to you and your wife to be!

  • man in black
    man in black

    Good luck in your efforts !

    While reading all of the comments listed here, it sort of scared me thinking about how you, a person who has areally great plan for his future needs to be concerned because of a religion and how your relatives will react to your decisions.

    If you were going to run off and think of becoming a rock star, I would understand their concern, but for crying out loud, you have some pretty

    neat goals set out for yourself.

    If you were one of my relatives I would be really proud of what you want to do

    keep in touch here on the forum, I would appreciate hearing about your progress, or just pm me and then we can email

  • tenyearsafter

    The Coast Guard might be an alternative. It is not a part of the Department of Defense, but rather is under the Department of Homeland Security. Technically it is a law enforcement agency rather than a pure military branch. With that being said, during war time it can be tranfered from Homeland Security to the Navy. Though it is a technicality, you might be able to sell it to your folks as a law enforcement/first responder career rather than a military career. A longshot, but we know how JW's love technicalities to justify things (ie: blood vs. blood fractions). Good luck with your decision!

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